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Pere Ubu的《Pushin》 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2023-04-13 23:21



热心网友 时间:2023-05-24 14:52

歌手:Pere Ubu

Avril Lavigne - Push
Been seein' to much of you lately
And you're starting to get on my nerves.
This is exactly what happened last time
And it's not what we deserve
It's a, it's a waste of my time lately.
And I'm running out of words.
If it's really meant to be
Than you can find a way to see
Maybe you should just shut up
Even when it gets tough
Baby 'cause this is love.
And you know when push comes to shove
It's gonna take the both of us
Baby, this is love
Baby, this is love
It's really great to be with you
This is how I spend my life
But I'm capable of taking care of myself
So if you * this up than go take a hike
It's a waste of my time
Shakin' it up,
Goin' out to search if it's really meant to be
Then you could find a way to see
Maybe you should just shut up
Even when it gets tough
Baby 'cause this is love.
And you know when push comes to shove
It's gonna take the both of us
Baby, this is love
Baby, this is love
You and me
We can both start over
Just the two of us
We can get a little closer
So follow me
And you will see - Yeah
Maybe you should just shut up
Even when it gets tough
Baby 'cause this is love.
And you know when push comes to shove
It's gonna take the both of us
Baby, this is love
Baby, this is love
Maybe you should just shut up
Even when it gets tough
Baby 'cause this is love.
And you know when push comes to shove
It's gonna take the both of us
Baby, this is love
Baby, this is love

Pere Ubu的《Pushin》 歌词

歌曲名:Pushin 歌手:Pere Ubu 专辑:Cloudland Avril Lavigne - Push Been seein' to much of you lately And you're starting to get on my nerves.This is exactly what happened last time And it's not what we deserve It's a, it's a waste of my time lately.And I'm running ou...

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