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We Shot The Moon 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2023-04-13 11:42



热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 13:02

歌曲名:We Shot The Moon
歌手:Write This Down
专辑:Write This Down

Write This Down - We Shot The Moon
How do you plead?
I know you know everything,
I know you saw everything.
And the person that you want to be is me,
And the person that you want to be is me.
It's self determination,
And you should have noticed that by now.
Our time is running out,
And you can't believe...
We walk like dead men.
Our killer instinct,
Wrapped in a smile,
This will not end well.
We shot the moon, we shot the moon,
And we will take it in stride,
If we should lose, if we should lose,
At least we gave it a try.
We shot the moon, we shot the moon,
And we will take it in stride,
If we should lose, if we should lose,
At least we gave it a try.
How do you plead?
I know you know everything,
I know you saw everything.
By all means go and make the headlines scream,
By all means go and make the headlines scream.
You lack compassion,
You lack the things that we all need,
And much worse than it seems,
You can't believe...
We walk like dead men.
Our killer instinct,
Wrapped in a smile,
This will not end well.
We shot the moon, we shot the moon,
And we will take it in stride,
If we should lose, if we should lose,
At least we gave it a try.
We shot the moon, we shot the moon,
And we will take it in stride,
If we should lose, if we should lose,
At least we gave it a try.
You lack compassion,
You lack the things that we all need,
And much worse than it seems,
You can't believe...
We shot the moon, we shot the moon,
And we will take it in stride,
If we should lose, if we should lose,
At least we gave it a try.
We shot the moon, we shot the moon,
And we will take it in stride,
If we should lose, if we should lose,
At least we gave it a try.

求In The Blue(We Shot The Moon)歌词,最好有翻译

歌词 自己手工翻译的 In the blue, in the blue you are 你总是那么的闷闷不乐 You’re off the screen again, carried by the wind 你总是躲了起来,随风而起 Oh no.哦,不要 I’ll always be, I’ll always be around 我会永远,我会永远在你身边 But, you can’t not be found ...

We Shot The Moon 歌词

We shot the moon, we shot the moon,And we will take it in stride,If we should lose, if we should lose,At least we gave it a try.We shot the moon, we shot the moon,And we will take it in stride,If we should lose, if we should lose,At least we gave it a try....


we shot the moon---please shine http://www.songtaste.com/song/211424/ Please shine We Shot The Moon Fly away on a plane Just like you came to me Take a bow,you take a bow Your spirits left with me Watch the clouds making shapes And picture me with you I'm so alive,...

求we shot the moon的<Glass windows>的歌词及翻译~!

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求《tunnel vision 》歌词

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We Shot The Moon的《Amy》 歌词

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we shot the moon《all of my life 》歌词

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有一首英文歌,第一句是fly away on the plane 好像是,是男的唱的,慢...

这是we shot the moon唱的《 please shine》,歌词如下:Fly away on a plane Just like you came to me Take a bow,you take a bow Your spirits left with me ..Watch the clouds making shapes And picture me with you I'm so alive,I'm so alive You color up my world Halleluia...

寻求抒情摇滚歌曲 中英文都行

oceans deep 24.the all-american rejects - it ends tonight 25.the shore - take what's mine 26.we shot the moon – hope 27.we shot the moon - in the blue 28.we shot the moon - perfect time.29.we shot the moon - please shine 30.we shot the moon - welcome home ...

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