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发布网友 发布时间:2023-04-14 13:50



热心网友 时间:2023-10-12 03:32

【 #英语资源# 导语】元宵节是我国的传统节日,是农历新年中的第一个月圆之夜,这个传统节日在我国已经传承了2000多年了。以下是 为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  This year's Lantern Festival Lantern Festival activities look very lively and full of joyful scenery.

  On the grass of the park, many children carry lanterns and play with fairy sticks; Some people are putting out sky lanterns. The sky lanterns fly higher and higher with the gentle wind, just like many small stars flashing in the dark, very beautiful; There are also many people setting off fireworks. The colorful fireworks decorate the night sky, and everyone's exclamation comes from time to time in my ear!

  On the way home, I saw fireworks in the sky on Hanlin bridge, reflected in the stream, glittering and changing. It's really attractive. It's really a happy Lantern Festival.


  And ushered in the annual "Lantern Festival". In order to celebrate the "Lantern Festival", people all over the country are popular to set off fireworks. This year's Lantern Festival is no exception. My father bought me 100 yuan fireworks. There are many fireworks for this 100 yuan, including two "stars in the sky" worth 25 yuan, two boxes of "fluorescent lines", a row of "little bees", three packs of "small Rockets", and

  The streets are crowded and crowded at night; The sky was filled with smoke and colorful. Watching everyone set off fireworks, I couldn't wait to take out a "star in the sky" and light its lead. Soon, I saw the fireworks flying into the air, exploding and colorful flowers spreading, and the people around me kept cheering "Wow! How beautiful!" I feel very proud at this time.

  Then, there were more and more people, and I was more excited to pick up the "small rocket". I only heard a "whoosh" and rushed straight to the cloud, and a "bang" and fell down. Late at night, the crowd in the street graally dispersed, and I went home with my father and mother.


  Today is the Lantern Festival. It's a day I've been looking forward to for a long time. It's a day of family reunion. My mother delegated power to me tonight and entrusted me with the important task of cooking mplings. For the first time, I regard it as a very important task. I'm afraid it will break. It seems that a little rabbit is "pounding" in my heart. I've seen my mother cook mplings before. First boil the water and put the mplings in one by one.

  I'm drooling and waiting anxiously, waiting. It seems that after half a century, the hot mplings have finally been completed. Looking at them one by one, I shouted happily, "the hot mplings are coming out of the pot." I tasted it first. It tasted good. Then everyone happily ate the mplings I cooked. My "gourmet" mother gave me a very high score and praised me for being sensible and growing up. I'm very happy. I was so successful in cooking mplings for the first time. My heart is as happy as honey. Today is not only a festival. I feel the happiness of cooking mplings and the taste of growing up. I look forward to the Lantern Festival next year... Finally, our whole family happily sat on the sofa and watched the Lantern Festival party.


  Lantern Festival is a traditional festival in China. Every family will hang lanterns. After dinner, my mother and I fold lanterns at home.

  We need to prepare a red square cardboard. First fold the square paper in half and then in half, so that there will be a center point in the middle of the paper. Fold the four corners to the center point to form a small square. Then turn the small square over and there will be another center point. Fold the four corners to the center point again to form a small square, Then turn the folded small square over again, and there is a central point. Turn the four corners to the central point, and it is still a small square. Finally, turn the small square over to form four small squares. Pull the corners in the middle of the two opposite squares to both sides, and a lantern will be folded.


  On this day of the Lantern Festival, every family has to eat mplings, set off firecrackers, burn high fires, guess lantern riddles and so on. These are the customs of the Lantern Festival.

  On the day of the Lantern Festival, I got up early. When I got to grandma's house, I sat there watching TV. Soon, the family came. At noon, grandma cooked a table full of dishes. When family members eat, they talk and laugh. The whole room is filled with a cheerful atmosphere! In the evening, we have dinner in our hometown. Before dinner, Grandpa burned a fire at the door of his house; After burning the fire, my brother and I took all the guns at home to the door. These colorful guns bloomed on the ground or in the sky; After setting off firecrackers, our family gathered around a small table and waited for tangyuan. Eating mplings means that the whole family is round. After my favorite sesame mpling was served, my saliva flowed 3000 feet. I couldn't wait to swallow the lovely, small, chubby, round, thin skinned and stuffed sesame mpling into my mouth. I really like Tangyuan so much that I ate sixteen at one go.

  I like to eat sesame mplings, more like the Lantern Festival!


  I got up early this morning, washed my face and brushed my teeth, because today is the annual Lantern Festival. I like the Lantern Festival very much, because I can watch fireworks, eat Lantern Festival and light lanterns. I'm so happy.

  In the afternoon, my father and mother took me to my grandparents' house. My father said, "the Lantern Festival is a day for family reunion, so let's spend it with my grandparents.". On my father's way to grandma's house, I saw a lot of people setting off firecrackers. It was very lively. When I arrived at Grandma's house, Grandpa and grandma prepared a table of good dishes. After dinner, my father and mother took me to see fireworks and take a hundred steps. My grandmother said to me, "take a hundred steps to cure all diseases. I hope I can grow up healthily and happily every year".

  When I got upstairs, I saw the colorful fireworks all over the sky. It was very beautiful. Unfortunately, I forgot to take my camera to keep this beautiful moment. This year's Lantern Festival, I also hope my grandparents, father and mother are healthy and happy every day.


  I remember last year's lantern festival lanterns have been on display for ten days. Every day, many people will gather around to enjoy and take photos. In the evening, when the light is on, there will be more people.

  Today, I also want to have a careful look. There are wheel lights, rocket lights, rooster lights, Buddha lights, moving robot lights, "double dragons playing with beads" lights; Especially the "chicken and fish" lamp made by the mother's unit is the most beautiful. I'm not partial to my mother. Their "chicken celebration with fish" is really beautiful. In the middle is a proud big cock, spreading his wings and holding a red carp doll. There is a big red carp on both sides. It's like playing a game. They can also rotate and jump while turning; Mother said that their lights are more than three meters high; From a distance, among all the lanterns, they are the most lovely. There are all kinds of red lights, which make the street red, like red dolls running, jumping, singing and playing hide and seek. Alts are busy looking for them.

  I'm going home to bed, too. I don't want my mother to look for it.


  Today is the Lantern Festival, the last important festival of the Spring Festival. The first month is the first month of the lunar calendar. The ancients called night "Xiao", and the 15th day is the night of the first full moon of the year, so it is called the 15th day of the first month as the Lantern Festival.

  The custom of the Lantern Festival is to eat mplings to make every family happy. So, as soon as I got up in the morning, my mother went out to buy mplings.

  At noon, I watched my mother cook glutinous rice balls next to her. Before long, the pot was ready to start. When the lid was lifted, I saw snow-white mplings floating in the water, close to each other, like big pearls. I looked at them and scooped them into the bowl. Smelling the delicious taste, I couldn't help taking a bite. It was delicious, fragrant and waxy. As soon as I got out of the pot, I wolfed down.

  When you eat glutinous rice balls, you will enjoy the flower lanterns. Flower lanterns are also a custom of the Lantern Festival. The annual flower lanterns are so novel and beautiful. This year is no exception. Both the form and style of lanterns have changed a lot.

  Finally, our whole family sat on the sofa with relish and watched the Lantern Festival party. It was fun.


  On the evening of the Lantern Festival, we eat yuanxiao at home. The skin of Yuanxiao is white and soft; The stuffing is flowery and sweet. Take a bite, ah! It's delicious!

  After the Lantern Festival, my parents took me to the square to put a wishing lamp. I'm so happy to watch the wishing lamp in my house rise slowly and fly to the sky. Mother hopes that the whole family will always be happy; Dad wants the whole family to be healthy; I hope my wishing lamp will always fly to the distant moon and make a table lamp for the moon! You know what? The wishing lamp was invented by Zhuge Liang, also known as Kongming lamp.

  The square was full of people who came to play, and everyone was jubilant. Red wishing lights are everywhere in the dark night sky. My mother said that generations of Chinese people will celebrate together on the night of the Lantern Festival, which is the busiest night in China.

  There are many lanterns hanging on the square. A goldfish was spitting bubbles, a peacock opened its screen, and a pleasant goat was waving to me. I hurried to it. Ah! Pleasant goat's belly also has a lantern riddle: it is not afraid of water and fire. There is one in every kitchen. I thought, "ha ha, it's a pot for cooking!" Dad said I was right. I'm glad.

  We didn't go home until very late. This Lantern Festival is so interesting.


  Today is the Lantern Festival on the 15th day of the first month. The weather is sunny. I was awakened by bursts of firecrackers in my sleep. The bright sunshine shines in through the window. It really feels like spring. There is a thin layer of fog in the sky. It is decorated with firecrackers on holidays.

  We have both festivals and temple fairs here, so it is particularly lively. People who are used to cycling and riding today have changed to walking and play in the streets in groups dressed up. There are traffic police on the cross street to maintain order. Vehicles on busy roads are allowed to bypass. They are only allowed out and not allowed in.

  The Lantern Festival is more lively than the Chinese new year, with a festive atmosphere. Family reunions ring the Chinese New Year and few pedestrians on the streets all share the joy of the festival at home. On the Lantern Festival, alts and children came out of their homes, took off their thick cotton padded clothes and put on beautiful spring clothes. Colorful kites fluttered in the wind. Children held all kinds of lanterns in their hands, and there was the sound of firecrackers that didn't go out all day. The streets were full of people's laughter.

  Walking on the street, walking through the crowd, the sun shines on me. Spring is coming, spring is really coming.

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