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mkto《American dream》歌词,最好有翻译

发布网友 发布时间:2023-04-29 03:44



热心网友 时间:2023-05-21 13:20

(Do something with your life)

(With your life)
We broke down trying to leave town

Flying down the road to change

We were born to run, Cali here we come

Escape from nowhere USA

Say goodbye to white picket fences
Say hello to palm trees and Benzes
They say you gotta fall to have it all

We don't want two kids and a wife
I don't want a job I just want a life
Sometimes the underdogs rise

And the mighty fall

This ain’t the same summer song that you used to know
‘Cause Jack left Diane thirty years ago

The world is spinning too fast for you and me
So tell me whatever happened to the American dream

I know a girl I met her last night

She was fresh off the plane

She whispered in my ear,
“Baby, come here. I’ll do anything to make a name.”

Honey, take my hand follow me ‘cause
I don’t wanna hurt you but he does
I just wanna give you some real advice

(Listen baby, mmm)
Look, never take candy from a stranger
And keep your eyes open for danger
‘Cause this right here is the twisted paradise

This ain’t the same summer song that you used to know

‘Cause Jack left Diane thirty years ago

The world is spinning too fast for you and me

So tell me whatever happened to the American dream
This ain’t the same summer song that you used to know
So baby, let's live and die before we're getting old
You know that nothing is the way it used to be
So tell me whatever happened to the American dream
Na na na na na na na na na na na na na na

na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na
na na na na na na na na na na na na

We we were born to run, Cali here we come
Gettin' out of here, baby

Let's get out of here

This ain’t the same summer song that you used to know

‘Cause Jack left Diane thirty years ago

The world is spinning too fast for you and me
So tell me whatever happened to the American dream
This ain’t the same summer song that you used to know
So baby, let’s live and die before we’re getting old
You know that nothing is the way it used to be
So tell me whatever happened to the American dream
Na na na na na na na na na na na na na na
Na na na na na na na na na na na na na
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