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发布网友 发布时间:2023-04-26 16:04



热心网友 时间:2023-11-03 03:09


I love animals very much,so I will go to the zoo with my parents this holiday.What's more,We will see the monkeys, pandas and so on.I think it will be a happy day.我很喜欢动物,所以这个假期将和父母去动物园。而且,我们将去看猴子,熊猫等。我想那将是快乐的一天。


I will finish doing my homework . I will listen to English programs and read English books every day.I am going to help my parents do some housework, making the bed, cleaning the room.I am going to visit my grandparents .I am going to visit my friends and play table tennis with them.I will go to the park with my friends.


The winter vacation is ing,I have made a plan for my vacation.I want to spend time with my family,so I will return to my hometown .I am for back to my hometown for preparation. I miss my grandparents very much , so I will visit my grand parents at first.I will chat with my uncle and aunt ,play with my cousin .It will be very intereting .I hope I will have a great time there.


Anna was riding her bike to the park at 11:00 last Sunday morning. When she got to the park, she saw some kids swimming in the water, she also want to do that. While she was taking off her clothes, a strange man took her bike away. Anna couldn't find her bike anywhere. While she was crying, she called the police.
One day a girl rode her bike to a park at 11 am. She put her bike behind a bush and went away, but she didn't know a man was hiding in the bush. At 11:15 the man got out of the bush and stole the girl's bike then he ran away. After 5 minutes, the girl was looking for her bike, she was very worried, then she called the police.


每天抄一单元的词语盘点(并听写) 名言名句要默写,还有重点课文要全文背诵 特别是日积月累中的东西 一定要熟记!还有就是1.复习书本要背的东西。例如:古诗3首和积累读读背背一至八。
5.看作文书,特别要看每个单元的作文。 朋友我是六年级的,这是我给你们的建议


My plane
This holiday, I intend to go home to play grandma. My grandmother lives in the countryside, home, I still *** oke fish and rice farmers can experience, good ah! TianZhongYou chicken, very lovely. I'm looking forward to this "touri *** "!

五年级英语作文 一年四季 要求100词左右,带翻译

The home throughout the year
My is beautiful all year round, have all the year round very different scenery!
Spring, the swallow flew back from the south, in the orchard, full of vigour scene, the flowers open face, as if to say: " spring is ing! "
Summer pond, lotus is lotus leaf village cupping, very beautiful! A group of children in the pond, take a shower, you threw, I pour you, be happy!
In autumn, leaves turn yellow, a piece of falling, like a beautiful butterfly rise and dance in a happy mood.
In winter, a piece of snow gleams white. In the woods, like this one the white carpet.
My home throughout the year are beautiful, I love my hometown four seasons of a year!


Last Chinese New Year. I and yangyang went to fuzhoumawei by bus. In the morning we came down the mountain. I saw wooded mountains, wild flowers bloom. We climb up the hill along the mountain path. Come halfway up the mountain, I feel a little tired,it began to rain,My West Lake silk umbrella missed,.yangyang said to me,“tingting, don’t do anything halfway.”at last,So I insisted reached the , the of the scenery so beautiful.We were flying kites, I was thirsty, my mother bought me a bottle of water, .finally we went home.finally,Since then, I've kept the umbrella。i was very happy


Many years ago, I saw the movie Harry Porter and I was so impressed by it. The magical world was so wonderful that I wanted to live there. My thoughts were so active that I always dreamed about myself walking in the magical world and taking the risk. So I decided to write down the things I dreamed about and then made these bee a book. This is my little dream, when the book is finished, I want to read them to my friends and my brother. Now I have written down a few pages, I continue to write every day. I get great motivation to finish my little dream. I imagine how happy I will be when I finish the book, so I keep writing it when I have the thoughts. I am so proud of myself for I never giving up to finish my dream.


holiday plan


五年级英文作文,带翻译,15个词左右写假期计划的 I love animals very much,so I will go to the zoo with my parents this holiday.What's more,We will see the monkeys, pandas and so on.I think it will be a happy day.我很喜欢动物,所以这个假期将和父母去动物园。而且,我们将...


A Plan for My Summer Holiday Summer holiday is coming. How excited! I have made a plan for my summer holiday. First of all, I will go to Hong Kong to visit my aunt. And then I will stay with her for a while. As Hong Kong is the shopping paradise, of course, I will...


My winter vacation plan 我的寒假计划 My winner vacation is coming soon .I am so happy I decide to make a winter vacation plan .First, I will do my homework carefully. Second ,I am going to help my mother with housework .Then,I want to play with my best friend.I will al...


This summer holiday I'll go to Beijing.I'll go there with my parents.We'll climb the Great Wall.And we'll have a picnic.We'll have a really good time together.翻译:这个暑假我将要和我的父母去北京,我们将要爬长城,并在那里野餐。我们将要度过一个愉快的时光。我考试一直用这篇...

寒假计划的英语作文,开头是as the,及翻译

a great time there.随着寒假即将到来,我已经为我的假期做好了计划.我想和家人待在一起,因此我要回家乡.我正在为回我的家乡做准备.我非常想念我的爷爷奶奶,所以我将首先拜访他们.我要和我的叔叔阿姨聊天,和我的表哥(弟、妹、姐)一起玩,那将会很有趣.我希望自己在那里能有一个美好的时光.



用be going to写假期计划(5句)带翻译

I'm going to go swimming。我打算去游泳 I'm going to go dancing。我打算去跳舞 I'm going to climb the mountain。我打算去爬山 I'm going to travel。打算去旅游 I'm going to learn Latin。打算去学拉丁 希望可以帮到你


I may take the body exercise coming drawing out 30- - 1 hours in time in every day. I play with the once computer coming certainly may draw out one small Duan time , watch one meeting TV or. Certainly need only 1 hour. This it is my winter holidays to plan!我的寒假计...


假期计划英语作文篇一 I decide to make a plan about my holiday.Let me tell you about my own idea!If i want to make myself health ,I should take more exercise and eat more vegetables and fruits .Do not forgot to do my homework in time .Anyway ,I think we must relax ...


Last but not least, I will get enough sleep,eat well and work out a lot to keep myself healthy!So, these above are my plans for my winter holiday...我的假期来啦!这个寒假我有许多计划。当然首先我需要完成作业!如果可能的话我还要预习下下个学期的一些课程。然后我将花很多时间和...

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