发布时间:2023-04-26 00:32
时间:2023-10-17 06:28
I only regret that I gave but one life to lose for my country.
[注解] 语出美国独立战争英雄 Nathan Hale(内森·黑尔)。
[译] 我惟一遗憾的是我只有一次生命可以献给祖国。
If a man will begin with certainties, he shall end in doubts, but if he will be content to begin with doubts, he shall end in certainty.
[注解] 语出 Francis Bacon, 英国哲学家培根。
[译] 如果以种种肯定的立论开始,他必将以各种怀疑而告终;但如果他宁愿以怀疑开始,他必将以肯定的结论而告终。
If each would sweep before his own door, weshould have a clean city (or street)。
[注解] 指社会整体的`福利依靠组成社会的各个人的行为表现。 比喻众擎易举。
[译] 家家都把门口打扫干净,就有清洁的城市。
If you are too fortunate, you will not knowyourself; if you are too unfortunate, nobody will know you.
[译] 时来运转,得意忘形;运气太坏,无人理会。
If you want peace, prepare for war.
[译] 欲求和平,必先备战。
Ignorance of the law excuses no one. (or Igno-rance of the law is no excuse for breaking it. )
[译] 对法律无知不能免罪;不懂法不能作为免罪的口实。
In a calm sea, every man is a pilot.
[译] 在平静的海洋,人人都可当舵手。
In a thousand pounds of law there is not an
ounce of love.
[译] 在一千镑的法律里,没有一盎司的爱;法律无情不徇私。
In books, are embalmed the greatest thoughts
of all ages.
[译] 历代最伟大的思想都载入史册而不朽。
In time of peace prepare for war.
[译] 居安思危。
In wine there is truth.
[译] 酒后吐真言。