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magna carta造句 magna cartaの例文 "magna carta"是什麼意思

发布网友 发布时间:2023-04-27 01:04



热心网友 时间:2023-10-21 06:20

That would be the magna carta

When mary heard she was the mother of jesus , she sang the magna carta

When mary heard that she was the mother of jesus , she sang the magna carta

1215 king john stamped the royal seal on the magna carta at runnymede , near windsor
英国无地王约翰在温莎堡附近的伦尼米德签署《大宪章》 。

It was at this parpament that the king was forced to accept the petition of right regarded as the second magna carta
正式这届议会迫使国王接受《民权情愿书》 ? ?被视为第二个《大宪章》 。

The baron ' s charter , or magna carta , as it came to be known was presented by a delegation of their class to the king and his advisers in the summer of 1215
1215年夏天,贵族代表团把他们的宪章? ?后以大宪章闻名? ?递交给国王和他的顾问团们。

The baron ' s charter , or magna carta as it came to be known , was presented by a delegation of their class to the king and his advisers in the summer of 1215

The great charter , or the magna carta , has 63 clauses and is a most important document in engpsh history , almost as important to the engpsh as the declaration of independence to the americans
大宪章,或大宪章(基本法) ,有63项条款,而且它是英国历史上最重要的文档,重要性相当于美国的独立宣言。

It's difficult to find magna carta in a sentence. 用 magna carta 造句挺难的

热心网友 时间:2023-10-21 06:20

That would be the magna carta

When mary heard she was the mother of jesus , she sang the magna carta

When mary heard that she was the mother of jesus , she sang the magna carta

1215 king john stamped the royal seal on the magna carta at runnymede , near windsor
英国无地王约翰在温莎堡附近的伦尼米德签署《大宪章》 。

It was at this parpament that the king was forced to accept the petition of right regarded as the second magna carta
正式这届议会迫使国王接受《民权情愿书》 ? ?被视为第二个《大宪章》 。

The baron ' s charter , or magna carta , as it came to be known was presented by a delegation of their class to the king and his advisers in the summer of 1215
1215年夏天,贵族代表团把他们的宪章? ?后以大宪章闻名? ?递交给国王和他的顾问团们。

The baron ' s charter , or magna carta as it came to be known , was presented by a delegation of their class to the king and his advisers in the summer of 1215

The great charter , or the magna carta , has 63 clauses and is a most important document in engpsh history , almost as important to the engpsh as the declaration of independence to the americans
大宪章,或大宪章(基本法) ,有63项条款,而且它是英国历史上最重要的文档,重要性相当于美国的独立宣言。

It's difficult to find magna carta in a sentence. 用 magna carta 造句挺难的

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