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Rilo Kiley的《I Never》 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2023-04-28 08:45



热心网友 时间:2023-10-27 08:08

歌曲名:I Never
歌手:Rilo Kiley
专辑:More Adventurous

I Never - Rilo Kiley Lyrics
I'm only a woman
of flesh and bone
]and i wept much
we all do.
i thought i might die alone
but i had never (x11) met you
so baby be good to me.
i got nothin to give you, you see
except everything, everything, everything, everything.
all the good and the bad.
cause i've been bad.
i've lied, cheated, stolen,
and been ungrateful for what i have
and i'm afraid habits rule my wake in life
and i'm scared
and i'm runnin
in my sleep for you.
but all the oceans, and rivers and showers
will wash it all away and make me clean for you.
cause i have never (x15) met you.
so lets take a loan and put it down
on a house in a place we've never lived
in a place that exists
in the pages of scripts and in songs that they sing
and all the beautiful things
that can make you weep but don't have to make you weak
cause i never (x27) love somebody
the way that i loved you.


热心网友 时间:2023-10-27 08:09

歌曲名:I Never
歌手:Rilo Kiley
专辑:More Adventurous

I Never - Rilo Kiley Lyrics
I'm only a woman
of flesh and bone
]and i wept much
we all do.
i thought i might die alone
but i had never (x11) met you
so baby be good to me.
i got nothin to give you, you see
except everything, everything, everything, everything.
all the good and the bad.
cause i've been bad.
i've lied, cheated, stolen,
and been ungrateful for what i have
and i'm afraid habits rule my wake in life
and i'm scared
and i'm runnin
in my sleep for you.
but all the oceans, and rivers and showers
will wash it all away and make me clean for you.
cause i have never (x15) met you.
so lets take a loan and put it down
on a house in a place we've never lived
in a place that exists
in the pages of scripts and in songs that they sing
and all the beautiful things
that can make you weep but don't have to make you weak
cause i never (x27) love somebody
the way that i loved you.

Rilo Kiley的《I Never》 歌词

i thought i might die alone but i had never (x11) met you so baby be good to me.i got nothin to give you, you see except everything, everything, everything, everything.all the good and the bad.cause i've been bad.i've lied, cheated, stolen,and been ungrateful for ...

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We all do I thought I might die alone But I had never (x11) met you So baby be good to me I've got nothing to give you, you see except everything, everything, everything, everything All the good And the bad Cause I've been bad I've lied, cheated, stolen, and be...

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I Never - Rilo Kiley Lyrics I'm only a woman of flesh and bone ]and i wept much we all do.i thought i might die alone but i had never (x11) met you so baby be good to me.i got nothin to give you, you see except everything, everything, everything, everything.a...

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I Never - Rilo Kiley Lyrics中文歌词

歌曲名:I Never歌手:Rilo Kiley专辑:More AdventurousI Never - Rilo KileyLyricsI'm only a womanof flesh and bone]and i wept muchwe all do.i thought i might die alonebut i had never (x11) met youso baby be good to me.i got nothin to give you, you seeexcept everything, ...

...这首歌的中文翻译有哪位高人知道,是Rilo Kiley唱的.本人在线等_百 ...

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