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发布网友 发布时间:2023-05-08 10:12



热心网友 时间:2024-10-20 21:02









  Plant trees and grass, environmentally-friendly

  Take a proactive role in waste rection campaign, do a good job in the implementation of waste management;

  Building green enterprises, green adhere to the operation;

  Simple to obtain resources, utilization of resources into full;

  Improve the system of environmental protection, responsibility for the implementation of environmental protection;

  Cherish the sustainable use of resources, green environment purification of the mind

  We love the earth bit by bit from the start;

  Do not watch, to join the ranks of actors in environmental protection;

  Economic development can not be at the expense of the environment;

  Environmental and human co-existence, development and protection of synchronization;

  Garbage is mixed own garbage, garbage classification of resources;

  The proction of green procts to promote green living

  Water - the source of human life


  Recently we have held a class meeting to discuss what is considered to be honorable behavior and what is shameful. 最近我们班开了个班会讨论什么是光荣和耻辱。It is really a pity to see all this in our school.很遗憾在学校看到这些现象Some students don’t respect their teachers or parents. 不尊敬老是和父母Some don’t take their studies seriously and cheat in exams. 作业不认真,考试作弊Some throw wastes everywhere and pollute the environment . 到处乱扔垃圾污染环境。It is honorable to obey the law and rules , care much about our class and study hard.关心班级、努力学习、遵纪守法是光荣It is shameful to break school rules, to be selfish or to make little effort to achieve success.违反学校纪律、自私 骄傲是可耻的We should respect others and think more of them than of ourselves.我们应该尊敬别人经常关心别人We should work hard and make much more progress to repay the society.我们应该努力学习取得更大进步从而回报社会。We should try our best to keep the environment clean。我们应该想方设法保持干净的环境。


  Working at the post office, I'm used to dealing with a moody public. So when one irate customer stormed my desk, I responded in my calmest voice, "What's the trouble?" "I went out this morning," she began, "and when I came home I found a card saying the mailman tried to deliver a package but no one was home. My hu *** and was in all morning. He never heard a thing!" After apologizing, I got her parcel. "Oh, good," she gushed. "We've been waiting for this for ages." "What is it?" I asked. "My hu *** and's new hearing aid."



英语手抄报环保主题内容如下:1、Environmental problems have reached such proportions that people feel international organizations must be set up to intervene in world affairs to resolve these problems.环境问题已经到了如此严重的程度,以至于人们觉得必须建立国际组织来干预世界事务以解决这些问题。2...


保护环境英语手抄报图二 保护环境英语手抄报图三 保护环境英语手抄报图四 保护环境英语手抄报的资料 一、保护环境的英语标语 Plant trees and grass, environmentally-friendly Take a proactive role in waste reduction campaign, do a good job in the implementation of waste management;Building gre...


图3 图4 的资料 一、保护环境的英语句子 1、As we know , water is very important to man.我们知道,水对人类来说是非常的重要。2、We need to protect Earth because it is our home.我们需要保护地球因为它是我们的家。3、It's our duty to save water.节约水是我们每个人的责任。4、We...


28、草木无情皆愿翠 行人有情多爱惜 29、巍巍中华环保行 人人奉献巨龙腾 30、保护环境就是保护我们自己 31、生命只有一次 地球只有一个 32、树成荫 草成被 花吐艳 驻四季皆春 山变绿 水变清 鸟歌唱迎八方清风 33、既要金山银山 更要碧水蓝天 34、人人参与环境保护 个个争当绿色天使 35、得到...


世界地球日手抄报内容英语如下:1、What is Earth Day? 地球日是什么? Earth Day is celebrated on April 22 every year.每年的4月22日是庆祝地球日。It is a day to raise awareness and inspire action to protect and conserve our planet's natural resources. 这是一个为了提高人们对保护和...


有关于保护环境的英语手抄报素材资料01 有关于保护环境的英语手抄报素材资料02 有关于保护环境的英语手抄报素材资料03 保护环境的英语作文 With the improvement of our living standard, more and more people can afford a car. As a result, our roads are more often than not crammed with cars....


英语保护环境手抄报的资料 一、低碳环保 Man and His Environment Throughout history man has changed his physical environment in order to improve his way of life. With the tools of technology he has altered many physical features of the earth. He has transformed woodlands and prairies...


consciousness, will express secondly on the activity, start to do from I, start to do from the nearby small matter.地球只有一个,是属于我们全人类的。保护生态环境就是保护我们人类自己。首先就是要从小牢固树立环保意识,其次就要表现在行动上,从我做起,从身边的小事做起 我也要做哦 ...


下面是由整理的保护地球英语手抄报内容,欢迎阅读。地球是我们的家园,我们应该保护它!The Earth is a beautiful place.There are forests and rivers, mountains and fields. Some places are very hot, and some are very cold.There are many different plants. Some are large. Some are small. ...


手下留情,足下留青,爱护环境,人人有责。 植树造林,功在千秋。 爱祖国,护绿化,保清洁,爱家园。 保持地球生态平衡,就是保护人数自身。 保护环境,就是爱惜生命。 兴我中华,爱我昆山。爱护家园,人人有责。 那里有绿色,哪里就有生命。 地球只有一个,失去它,我们到哪里去寻找家园。 绿化做得好,染污就减少。垃圾...

保护环境手抄报英文版 关于环境的英语手抄报 环保手抄报英语内容 英语环保手抄报清晰 保护环境一等奖手抄报 英语环保手抄报简单 保护环境的手抄报图片 英语环保手抄报图片 英语保护地球手抄报简单漂亮
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