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拜托..翻译一 下..谢谢!狂感谢!

发布网友 发布时间:2023-05-09 13:32



热心网友 时间:2023-10-11 15:44

Also to Hangzhou, the great drought, the hungry epidemic disease and does. The horizontal wooden board on the front carriage body please to the dynasty, exempts this road to make an offering the rice three one, regains bestows a monk 牒, Yi Miyi rescues the hunger. Next year spring, also reces the price sells often the square meter, makes □the gruel medicament, sends an envoy pinches a medical minute work place to treat an illness, living really numerous. The horizontal wooden board on the front carriage body said that, "Hangzhou, the amphibious meeting, the epidemic disease dies the another place are often more than." Is 裒 the envy cash string 2,000, recurs in the bag or sack the gold 52, makes sickness work place, slightly the livestock 钱粮 treats it. Hangzhou this offshore, spring salty painstakingly, the inhabitant is scarce. West Tang provincial governor Li Mishi directs the lake water to make six wells, the people fully to the water. West Bai Juyi dredges the lake water to enter the canal, enters the field from the river, irrigates to thousand area units, the people by is prosperous. Lake juicy 葑, from Tang Jiqian, the year old always 浚治, Song is popular, abandons it, 葑 accumulates for the field, the water is very few. The canal unfavorable situation, takes for 江潮, in the boat market quotation, tide many silt, three years as soon as wash, for the people big trouble, six wells also several to abandoning. The horizontal wooden board on the front carriage body sees a Maoshan river specially to receive 江潮, a salt bridge river specially receives the lake water, then dredges two rivers to pass the water transport. Duplicate makes 堰闸, thought the lake water livestock releases it to limit, 江潮 no longer enter the market. By Yu Lifu six wells, also takes 葑田 accumulates in the lake, north and south diameter 30 miles, for causeway pass through. The Wu race water chestnut, spring always weeds out, does not dispatch 寸草. Also solicits in the race water chestnut lake, 葑 no longer lives. Receives its advantage to prepare repairs the lake, takes 救荒 -odd money Wan Min, the grain ten thousand stones, and please hundred monks identifications issued to a buddhist monk or nun by 募役. The dike becomes, plants above the cotton rose, the willow, looks like the painting, the Hangzhou personal name for Su Gongdi.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-11 15:45

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