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商务口译~ 三个人对白的商务英语情景对话 急用

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-22 20:26



热心网友 时间:2023-11-13 17:27

Ms Kang: welcome to Shenzhen, Ms Bai. How was your flight from San Francisco?
Ms Bai: we hit some severe turbulence crossing the International Date Line, other hand that, my flight was smooth sailing.
Ms Kang: please follow me. I will escort you the Hilton plaza next to the international trade center.
Ms Bai: that would be perfect. I have a slight jet lag and could use some shuteyes. Perhaps we can wait till morning to discuss business.
Ms Kang: no problem. I’ll look foreword to closing our deal tomorrow. If time permits you to stay longer in Shenzhen, I’ll be happy to show you around the city. As you know, Shenzhen is one of china’s fastest growing special economic zone and most liberated trade area in the country.
Ms Bai: so I’ve heard. I will take you up on that offer.
Next morning
Ms Kang: zaoshanghao, Ms Bai.
Ms Bai: excuse me.
Ms Kang:zao shang hao means good morning in Chinese .did you have a nice rest?
Ms Bai :yeah, my hotel suite was very comfortable. And zao shang hao to you also.
Ms Kang: I’ve made arrangement in the private guest room for us to resume our negotiation.
Ms Bai: great. Now, let’s get down to business.
Ms Kang: in response to our enquiry last month, you clearly reiterated the reasons for a personal meeting.
Ms Bai: yes indeed, with such a large order at stake, I think it is sensible to go over all the particulars.
Ms Kang: I can understand the wisdom in taking such a preventive measure. Please rests assured that our long-term relationship and mutual understanding has not changed.
Ms Bai: I appreciate your kind gesture. Please accept my apologies for the late development. Due to unforeseen circumstances, our management had to reassess our proction of
“ng gadget” mainly because of the sudden sharp turn of the market.
Ms Kang: are you referring to the sudden fluctuation of the RMB against the dollars?
Ms Bai: that is only part of our concern. The prevailing factor is that the Brazilian XYZ enterprise will enter the world market to proce the same proct.
Ms Kang: I see. Can you give me an indication as to a price that you consider workable?
Ms Bai: taking into consideration of these too major factors, we like to suggest that you increase your concession from 5 to 12 percent.
Ms Kang:that would be out of the question. Our company has never made such a rection even in light of the worst economic condition. You know that the world market demand for the ng gadget have increased at a rate of 4.5 percent each year for the past 5 years. At the same time, the resource manufactured here in china and South Africa to proce the ng gadget has not kept pace with the increased demand and the dwindling supply of natural resource.
Ms Bai: yes, we realize the supply is being squeezed. However, I like to point out the conditions that must prevail in order for our company to stay competitive in this market. As you know, the Brazilians have the comparative advantage in the labor cost of proction. In other word, we must pay a much higher price to proce the same unit of ng gadget. The sharp slowdown of the US economy has diminished our profit margin in the last three quarter. In view of these current predicaments of our proction line to Mexico.
Ms Kang: I see. Let me suggest that you make a counter offer more in line with the international market price and the current market condition.
Ms Bai : perhaps if we can agree to come halfway between 5 to 12 percent. This mat be more feasible for us to since our operating margin is already being squeezed to the limit.
Ms Kang: I will call a special executive meeting tomorrow morning to propose your counter offer to our board.
Ms Bai : thank you for giving this request special consideration.
Ms Kang: I will let you know ASAP the outcome of our discussion. It is in our best to have something definite by noon tomorrow.
Ms Bai: thank you Ms Kang. I will be in my suite awaiting your call.
Next day
Ms Kang ; good morning, Ms Bai
Ms Bai: good Morning
Ms Kang; good news. We have a majority consensus to accept your counter offer.
Ms Bai: terrific. Can you have the papers ready by tomorrow morning?
Ms Kang:that will be a problem
Ms Bai: is it possible to effect shipment by the middle of July?
Ms Kang: the cargo vessel leave port every other month from Shenzhen .i believes the days are in the first week of August. Anyway,I can assure you that shipment will be made no later than august 7th. You will get a copy of trust receipt once the shipment is delivered.
Ms Bai: ok, that’s settled. I’ll see you tomorrow at 9:00am sharp to sign the documents.

热心网友 时间:2023-11-13 17:27


热心网友 时间:2023-11-13 17:28

商务口译~ 三个人对白的商务英语情景对话 急用

Ms Bai: that would be perfect. I have a slight jet lag and could use some shuteyes. Perhaps we can wait till morning to discuss business.Ms Kang: no problem. I’ll look foreword to closing our deal tomorrow. If time permits you to stay longer in Shenzhen, I’ll be hap...






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