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发布网友 发布时间:2022-08-14 14:19



热心网友 时间:2024-07-01 06:48

Comparison Between Cars and Planes (about 300 words)
Both cars and planes are transportation facilities. For short distance
travel one prefers traveling by car. By car, one can go anywhere:
supermarkets far and near, the towns far and near and even the villages
in the remote mountainous areas. Of course it’s very convenient to
travel by one’ own car. Nowadays a lot of highways have been built in
China, which makes it easy and smooth to travel by car except when
there is a heavy fog. Following development of mining instry and the
use of coal burning furnace, heavy fogs frequently appear. At the time
when there is a heavy fog, the highways are usually closed, which causes
much inconvenience in traveling by car.
For long distance travel between the cities, people usually prefer traveling
by plane. The advantage of traveling by plane is time saving, because planes
fly much faster than traveling by car. It takes about a little more than
2 or 3 hours for a plane to cover the distance betweenBeijingand
Guangzhou, but it will surely take a whole day to cover the same distance
by car.
However some people may say, traveling by plane is not safe enough.
But in my view, traveling by plane is much safer than by car. In the
world today there are more car accidents than plane crashes. With
modern testing instruments and supersonic devices, any defects and faults
with planes can be easily detected and found out. If you want to make
a long distance travel, I’ll suggest that you simply travel by plane instead
of by car, for this will save you a lot of time. You probably remember
the severe competition in the economic circles here inChina. Time saving
will lead to money saving, so actually time means money.
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