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发布网友 发布时间:2022-08-12 21:17



热心网友 时间:2024-02-01 14:04

The Instrial Engineer's letter demonstrated that he put doubts on whether that plan would work.
These young scientists acquired the first-hand information through the site observation.
This question will be solved sooner or later as long as we keep putting efforts on it.
The author of this article wants to convey his views on praise and criticism to readers.
A good teacher is very sensitive to the progress which the students make. If the student's progress has been neglected and they will feel frustrated
These two animals looked very similar, but they belong to different species.
7. The medical team didn't keep on complaining about the poor condition of the local hospital. For example, several doctors had purchase some simple medical equipments with their own money .

8. *要求受伤的人把事故说得再详细一些。
8. Police asked the injured people to tell the accident in more details .
9. Do you think that the bus drivers should bear full responsibility for passengers' security?
10. He believed that more advanced animal is evolved from the relatively low-level animal.

It goes without saying that young people's ecation is of vital importance to the future of a country
12. You can not just act according to your own judgement, because as a soldier you must obey orders.
13. The hunter's face suddenly shows the excited expression as soon as he saw a fox emerging in the bush and rushing to the direction of the trap he setted.

14. The war breaking out between North and South in the 1861 in history is known as the "civil war."

15. There are a lot of students in our class criticized by teachers because they didn't hand in their work on time .
16. I don't know exactly whether her application for loan will be given by bank or not.
17. The investigation reveals that for some people, retirement often causes psychological afflictions.
18. Jack's English is not good, but as to the sport, he is the best in class.
19. You don't have to worry more about those errors in judgement. The important thing is to avoid recidivism.


热心网友 时间:2024-02-01 14:05

2,These young scientists got their research's information by fieldwork

3,The problem'll be solved as long as we keep working.

6,These two animals look same, but they are different sorts.

热心网友 时间:2024-02-01 14:05

1.The letter from that instry management engineer indicated that he was doubtful of the feasibility of the project.
2.These young scientists obtain the foremost materials for the research by the pratical observation.
3.The problem will be solved sooner or later,as long as we keep working hard.
4.The author want to express his viewpoint on praise and criticism to the readers by this article.
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