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发布网友 发布时间:2022-08-11 23:57



热心网友 时间:2024-11-15 08:40

Today I spent two hours reading English.
I spent 100 dollars on that jacket.
I stayed at home yesterday.
Where were you on December 24th?
The end of the story is very exciting.
There are two little stars on the left of the clock.
There are two butterflies right behind him.
Millions of people are watching the exciting match.
My father often tells me to study hard and make progress everyday.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-15 08:40

. Today, I spend 2 hours to read English.
2. I spend 100 Yuan to buy that shell g 衫.
3. Yesterday, I stay at home.
4.12 No.24 you which.
5. The ending of this story very another person excite.
6. The left side of clock has two little stars.
7. Behind him, happening is two butterflies.
8. On 1000, the person of ten thousands is watching the match of this excited popular feeling.
9. My papa often follows me to decide to study , daily upward.


热心网友 时间:2024-11-15 08:41

1、I spent 2 hours reading English books.
2、The jacket costs me 100 yuan.
3、I stayed at home yesterday.
4、where were you in the Christmas eve?
5、The end of the story is exciting.
6、There are 2 stars(?) beside the clock.
7、There are 2 butterflies right behind him.
8、There are thousands of people watching this exciting game.
9、My father always told me to study hard.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-15 08:42

You should do your homework by yourself.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-15 08:42

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