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急求tell me why的背景简介英文版

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-22 18:31



热心网友 时间:2023-11-15 14:36

  "Tell Me Why" is a single by singer Declan Galbraith.

  Released on 9 December 2002, 10 days before his 11th birthday, this was Declan's first single.

  Galbraith's talent was publicly acknowledged for the first time when at just 7 years old. Declan used to have help swerve at GSW, a waterpump company. He insisted on performing spontaneously at the annual Rochester Dickens Festival, a two-day extravaganza where people were invited to dress up in Victorian costumes to celebrate the life and times of the famous author Charles Dickens and his links with their town. Galbraith, dressed up as a chimney sweep, started singing and the crowd went wild. Soon after this he started to enter local talent contests and within a year he had won 15 titles and more than £1,000.00.

  As a result of his success in the talent shows, the major recording companies soon heard about Galbraith and he was signed to his first recording contract in England. His first recording was "Walking in the Air", which was released on a special Christmas Hits album, also featuring Westlife, Elton John and Elvis Presley. Galbraith loves to sing to live audiences and among some of his most memorable performances are, the Queen's Jubilee at St Paul's Cathedral, when he sang "Amazing Grace" accompanied by the St Paul's Choir and an unforgettable experience when singing in front of more than 22,000 people at an Elton John concert.

  His first self-titled album, Declan, with Irish traditional songs and some specially written material became a big success and charted in the U.K. and Ireland. Within the year of release, it had soon sold 200,000 copies in Germany.

  Another big success came ring a nationwide tour of Young Voices concerts when breaking the Guinness World Record. It was at the Odyssey Arena, Belfast in December 2002 when he sang live with some 10,000 children and was also simultaneously linked, by radio and satellite, with more than 80,000 children in their schools all over the UK, who accompanied him in achieving the world’s largest choral sing.

  Galbraith's talent and reputation came to the attention of media mogul Haim Saban and his music President, Ron Kenan, who signed Galbraith to Saban Music Group's new record label. They have chosen Germany to be the very first territory in the world to launch their first proced album, via the Starwatch Music label.

  Galbraith amicably parted company with his management in Feb 2010. He's currently battling major contractual issues that prevent any releases in the time being. Galbraith is said to be returning to full time ecation, which he had to partly give up when he was 14 years old, e to his musical obligations.

  If angel can sing,Declan Galbraith is this angel!
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