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小学英语故事 带翻译文

发布网友 发布时间:2022-08-02 09:05



热心网友 时间:2024-11-25 00:57

Story 1 I Don’t Like Her
Bob goes to a new school.
One day he comes back, “Bob, do you like yournew teacher?” his mother asks.
“I don’t like her, Mother. Because first shesays that three and three is six, and then she says that two and four is six,too.”

故事1 我不喜欢她

Story 2 Ten Candies
Mother asks her son, “Jim, if you have tencandies, and you eat four, then how many candles do you have?”
“Ten.” Jim says.
“Then,” Mother asks.
“Yes, Mum. Four candles are in my stomach andsix candies are out of my stomach. Four and six is ten, isn’t it right?”

故事2 十块糖

Story 3 Count Tomorrow Morning
It’s a right. John is looking at the sky.
Tom is John’s younger brother. He asks John“What are you doing?”
Johnsays, “I’m counting stars.”
Tom laughs and says, “It’s really dark now.Why not count them tomorrow morning?”

故事3 明天早上数

A bird was confined in a cage outside a window. She often sang at night when all other birds were asleep.
  One night a bat came. He asked the bird why she was silent by day and sang only at night.
  The bird answered, “Last year when I was singing in the daytime, a bird catcher heard my voice and caught me in his net.Since then I have never sung by day.”
  The bat replied, "But it is useless to do this now that you have become a prisoner." Then he flew away.
  寓意: 我们应该在危险发生之前就提高警觉,因为危险一旦发生,我们再怎样小心也没有用了

A 5-year-old girl was asked by her teacher what her father does,and she replied,"Whatever my mom tells him."

热心网友 时间:2024-11-25 00:58

The Boys And The Frogs 男孩和青蛙

One spring day some naughty boys were playing near a pond. They began to throw stones into the water. In the pond lived many frogs were much afraid of the boys, for the stones hurt some of the frogs. At last an old frog lifted his head out of the water and said, ¨Boys, please donˇt throw stones at us.〃 The boys said, ¨We are only playing.〃 ¨I know that, but please stop throwing stones, my boys. What is play to you is death to us,〃 said the old frog. So the boys stopped throwing stones and went away.春天里的一天,一些顽皮的男孩在一个水塘边玩耍。他们开始往水里扔石块。许多生活在水塘里的青蛙非常害怕这些男孩,因为石头曾弄伤了他们中的一些。最后一只老青蛙把他的脑袋探出水面,他说:“孩子们,请别向我们扔石头。”男孩说:“我们只是在玩耍。”“我知道,但请别扔石头,孩子们。对你们而言的玩耍对我们可意味着死亡。”老青蛙说。因此男孩们不再扔石头并且离开了。

热心网友 时间:2024-11-25 00:58

Today is Monday,but Tom doesn't want to go to school,so he just stay in his bed.His mother say:"Why you don't get up now?Today is Monday,so you must get up and go to school." "mon,I don't want to go to school at all!All the teachers don't like me."Tom say to his mon.But his mother says:"But you is the headmaster of the school!"

热心网友 时间:2024-11-25 00:59

Once upon a time, there were four mice that lived in a wall in the field.
Summer was coming, and so the mice came out of the wall to collect berries, nuts, corn and straw. Everyone was working very hard, day and night. Everyone was working very hard, except, Frederick.
“Why aren’t you working, Frederick?” his friends asked him. “oh, but I am.” Frederick told them. “I’m collecting the sunshine for the cold, dark winter.”
A few days later his friends asked him again “why aren’t you working, Frederick?” “Oh, but I am.” Frederick told them. “I’m collecting colors for the long, grey winter.”
A few days later his friends asked him again “why aren’t you working, Frederick?” “Oh, but I am.” Frederick told them. “I’m collecting words for the long, quiet winter.”
Soon, the first snow came, and the four mice went back into the wall. They ate their berries and they ate their nuts and they ate their corn and they ate their straw. But time passed, and time passed, and soon there were no more berries, and soon there were no more nuts and soon there were no more corn and soon there were no more straw.
Now the winter was cold and dark, long and quiet. The mice were sad and hungry. Then they remembered Frederick.
“Hey, Frederick, can you show us what you collected for the winter.”
“Ok,” said Frederick, “close your eyes. Here is my sunshine for the cold, dark winter.” And Frederick began to tell his friends some stories, and the mice to feel warmer and warmer.
“Great, Frederick! How about the colors and the words?”
“Ok,” said Frederick, “close your eyes” and he told them about the blue skies, and he told them about the red poppies, and he told them about the green grass, and he told them about the purple berries, and he told them about the yellow corn of summer.
“That’s wonderful, Frederick, thank you.” Said the mice. “We’ve learned something about you”, they told him.
What do you think they learned?
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