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发布网友 发布时间:2022-08-01 12:24



热心网友 时间:2024-03-30 04:38

There is still the slightest gentle palm resies
Who let the lonely nights I was waiting
When smile turned into a luxury
Even if time can retain reflux
Those who committed wrong because young
Like autumn leaves have already bend with the wind
However, some words can not say that I always

If we are still together
Miss it could continue to sweet
Have a heating jacket
Where loss

If we are still together
Another black night I need not evade
A section of memory forever sealed

热心网友 时间:2024-03-30 04:38

There is still the slightest gentle palm resies
Who let the lonely nights I was waiting
When smile turned into a luxury
Even if time can retain reflux
Those who committed wrong because young
Like autumn leaves have already bend with the wind
However, some words can not say that I always

If we are still together
Miss it could continue to sweet
Have a heating jacket
Where loss

If we are still together
Another black night I need not evade
A section of memory forever sealed

热心网友 时间:2024-03-30 04:38

There is still the slightest gentle palm resies
Who let the lonely nights I was waiting
When smile turned into a luxury
Even if time can retain reflux
Those who committed wrong because young
Like autumn leaves have already bend with the wind
However, some words can not say that I always

If we are still together
Miss it could continue to sweet
Have a heating jacket
Where loss

If we are still together
Another black night I need not evade
A section of memory forever sealed
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