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发布网友 发布时间:2022-08-10 19:47



热心网友 时间:2024-10-28 06:31

A:There you are !I'm so happy that all of you can come.

B:(smile),of course ,you are my best friend,happy birthday!

A:Thank you!

C:This is my present for you!

A:oh,it's so nice of you!(open),wow,it;s really very wonderful,i love it ~

D:Look ,this is mine,it's may not very expensive,but there is my best wishes

A:It is precious for me!

Umm,i think you must be very hungry,just help yoursefves,and then i'll show someone to you ,it's can be surprising~~

BCD:OK~ladies,let's go ....


热心网友 时间:2024-10-28 06:31

:Hello,this is Lily.
YF:Hello,this is Lucy

Y:Tomorrow is my birthday!I hope you can come!

YF:Your binthday?realy?Happy birthday!

Y:Thank you!

YF:What time do you want to start?

Y:Just at 18:00

YF:OK!I will give you a surprise!See you tomorrow!

Y:Thank you!See you!


last satauday i came to the hotel to celebrate the birthday of my friday Wang lin.
it's very interesting of the party. Wang lin parpered a beautiful birthday cake.it is crowded with some gifts we send to her on the table.
the bowls which we uesd to eat food is on the table too. in front of me there is a bottle of wine and a glass. the wine is not so good. after the meal my friends were all coming to sing songs. they stay on the stage with a microphone. how happy they are!
i don't like this kind of atmosphere. i came out. there waas a taxi on the road. the mooon was so bright. it's so quiet. why people prefer the noisy life here

热心网友 时间:2024-10-28 06:32

Y:Hello,this is<your name>!

YF:Hello,this is<your friend's name>

Y:Tomorrow is my birthday!I hope you can come!

YF:Your binthday?realy?Happy birthday!

Y:Thank you!

YF:What time do you want to start?

Y:Just at 18:00

YF:OK!I will give you a surprise!See you tomorrow!

Y:Thank you!See you!


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