中译英: 现在我感到在人生的路途上迷失了,有点绝望
发布时间:2022-08-10 04:08
时间:2024-03-10 15:51
Nowadays ,I feel that I have lost myself on the journey of the life . I am bit desperate and I cann't find the centre/central point of my life...
我一直有一个很强烈的*,就是离开这里,去一个新的地方过新的生活和去追寻我的梦想... 我厌倦了这里的人和事,厌倦了这里的一切,我感到我不属於这里.....(这不是逃避,这个*其实已经存在了好几年)
I have been seized /grazed by a burning desire to leave here for a new place to start a new life and pursue my dream...I have been fed up with the people and things here and tired of
all that here. I have even felt that I don't belong to this place(This desire is not an escape,for it has been around in my mind for quite a few years)
However,I really have no idea which direction I shoud go in...
时间:2024-03-10 15:52
Now I feel as if I have lost myself. A little desperate,I can't find the pillar that keeps my life going on...
I've been haunted by a very strong desire-to leave here to find a new place where I can start anew and pursue my dream...I've got fed up with everybody and everything here,feeling it's a place where I don't belong....(This is not an attempted escape,for this desire has been existing for a good many years)
But I don't know where I should go.....
时间:2024-03-10 15:52
Now I feel in the journey of life lost and a little desperate, I can't find the center of my life...
I have a very strong desire, is to leave here, go to a new place a new life and to pursue my dream... I'm tired of the people and things here, tired of everything here, I feel I don't belong here. (this is not evade the desire in fact already exists for years)
But I don't know where should I go? ......
时间:2024-03-10 15:53
I felt like I was lost , a little bit dejected and dispirited now.I could not find the highlight point of my life.I have had a extremely intense desire for so long which is leaving here and having a totally new life in a totally new place to pursue my dream. I was totally tired of everything here , no matter the people or the things .I do not feel as if I belong here .(This is not called 'escape'.This desire has been in my mind for several years already.)
But I have no idea where I should go?
时间:2024-03-10 15:53
Right now, I feel I'm lost in life, even a little desperate. I can't find my focus of life.
A strong desire has been with me for a while, to leave this place, and go to some new place and start a new life, pursue my dream... I'm just tired of the people and things around me here, everything. I feel like I do not belong (here)... (This is not to escape from reality, this desire has actually been with me for quite a few years.)
中译英: 现在我感到在人生的路途上迷失了,有点绝望
现在我感到在人生的路途上迷失了,有点绝望,我找不到我人生的中心点...Nowadays ,I feel that I have lost myself on the journey of the life . I am bit desperate and I cann't find the centre/central point of my life...我一直有一个很强烈的欲望,就是离开这里,去一个新的地方...
1、只有在有起伏的道路,你才能看到更多的风景。你不努力,永远不会有人对你公平,只有你努力了,有了资源,有了话语权以后,你才可能为自己争取公平的机会。 2、有些人,抓住了就是抓住了,错过了就是错过了,只能说情深缘浅。人生的旅途中有太多的岔口,一转身也许就是一辈子。在上一个路口我们熟悉彼此,在下一个路...
于是出于对我那可怜的自尊心的一种保护,我便也不再理你了。 有时我常常想:我们这是怎么了,是因为那次篮球比赛中我没有为你加油吗?是因为你摔到了我没有第一个吧你扶起来吗?还是因为你们班输给了我们班吗?我不知道,我真的不知道,也想不清楚。现在我只想改变一句经典的电影台词,来告诉你我心中所想:曾经...
译文:到点的时刻我依旧在工作。 3、老钱工作赵昌花。——宋方回 《钱舜举瓜画》 译文:老了工作得来的钱财给赵昌花费。 4、长风破浪会有时,直挂云帆济沧海。——出自唐代李白的《行路难·其一》 译文:相信总有一天,能乘长风破万里浪;高高挂起云帆,在沧海中勇往直前! 5、不在其位,不谋其政。——春秋孔子...
这样的她,在生活中处处体现出“爱与尊严”。夏洛特·勃朗特通过一个孤女一生的故事,反映了当时英国妇女的悲惨处境,也反映了妇女摆脱男子的压迫和歧视的要求,这在英国文学史上是一个创举。 读了这本书,我懂得了追求人格平等是最重要的。简·爱身为一名孤女,在富有的里德舅妈家中没有地位,时常遭到欺辱,但她无力反抗...
下面是我为大家精心整理的青春的色彩作文初三,希望对大家有所帮助。 青春的色彩作文初三篇1 青春的色彩本应是五彩斑斓的。——题记 进入初三,学业繁重,虽然科目减少,但各科难上加难。看着桌面上那本厚重的物理课本,我接近绝望。哎!初二物理就没有学好,初三这么难,该如何是好呢?我的灰色初三! 正在我感到苦不堪...
在现在的社会生活中,用到演讲稿的地方越来越多,相信很多朋友都对写演讲稿感到非常苦恼吧,下面就是我整理的有关我的梦想演讲稿5篇,希望大家喜欢。 我的梦想演讲稿篇1 亲爱的老师、同学们: 大家好! 在这里我想说的第一句话就是:一个人如果没有梦想注定只会平庸。我想问问大家:你希望自己的一生平庸而过吗?
而是在必要的时刻把才能或技艺施展出来。 5、路遥知马力,日久见人心。——明代佚名《增广贤文》 译文:路途遥远才能知道马的力气的大小,日子久了才能看出一个人的真心。 6、满招损,谦受益。——先秦诸子《尚书》 译文:自满于已获得的成绩,将会招来损失和灾害;谦逊并时时感到了自己的不足,就能因此而得益。 7、...
二十七、生活中,面对困境,我们常常会有走投无路的感觉,但是要相信年轻的人生没有绝路,困境在前方,希望在拐角。 二十八、人生不是一种享乐,而是一桩十分沉重的工作。 二十九、你要让你的能力配得上你的虚荣,让你的优秀配得上你的自尊,让你的视野配得上你的骄傲。 三十、岁的零食,蓬勃发展。 三十一、不为模糊...