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发布网友 发布时间:2022-08-08 03:13



热心网友 时间:2024-05-05 02:21

1.李平已决定更加努力学习,尽快赶上其他同学(catch up with)
LiPin has made up his mind to study harder, and catch up with other students as soon as possible.
2 .明天晚上将有一场中美足球赛
There will be a football match between China and the USA tomorrow evening.
3.新年快到了,所有人都在忙着为它做准备.(be busy doing)
New Year's Day is coming,and all the people are busy preparing for it.
4 .李平游泳比我好得多.
LiPin swims much better than me
Try to be more careful next time
LiLie ,there's a call for you.
7.你为何不脱下你的毛衣?你需要穿凉快些(take off)
Why don't you take off your sweater? You need to be a little cooler
Thank you for giving me such a wonderful present
The radio said that the clouds will lift soon
She was going to bed when the telephone rang
11.大雨使成千上万人无法上班(keep from)
The heavy rain kept thousands of people From going to work
12.听说他与那边踢球的男孩相处不错(it is said)
It is said that he gets on well with the boy playing football there
13.必须采取一切措施防止水土流失(be done)
Every thing should be done to keep the water and soil from losing
I prefer reading book in the reading room instead of going out to eat fish and chips
Such accident almost happens every month
16.我们大概完成了工作的三分之二.(more or less)
We have finished more or less two thirds of the work

热心网友 时间:2024-05-05 02:21

1. Li has decided more study hard, and catch up with other students (catch up with)
李平已决定更加努力学习,尽快赶上其他同学(catch up with)
2. Tomorrow night there will be a Sino-US Cup
3. The New Year is coming, everyone has been busy making preparations for it. (Be busy doing)
新年快到了,所有人都在忙着为它做准备.(be busy doing)
4. Li much better than I swim.
5. Next time you want to try to carefully
6. Li Lei, you have a phone
7. Why did not you take off your sweater? You need to wear some cool (take off)
你为何不脱下你的毛衣?你需要穿凉快些(take off)
8. Thank you for giving me such a beautiful gift
9. The radio said the clouds will soon be dispersed (lift)
10. She is preparing to sleep, suddenly the phone rang. (When)
11. Heavy rain caused thousands of people unable to work (keep from)
大雨使成千上万人无法上班(keep from)
12. I heard he was playing with the other boys get along well (it is said)
听说他与那边踢球的男孩相处不错(it is said)
13. All measures must be taken to prevent soil erosion (be done)
必须采取一切措施防止水土流失(be done)
14. I prefer reading in the reading room not out eating fish and fried potatoes (prefer)
15. A similar incident occurred almost every month (such)
16. We have completed about two-thirds of the work. (More or less)
我们大概完成了工作的三分之二.(more or less)

热心网友 时间:2024-05-05 02:22

1.Liping has decided to study harder to catch up with other students as soon as possible.
2.There will be a China-U.S.A. football match tomorrow evening.
3.The new year is coming,everyone is busy preparing for it.
4.Liping swims well than me.
5.You must be careful next time.
6.Lilei,it's your phone.
7.Why not take off your sweater?You have to be cooler.
8.Thank you for giving me thewonderful present.
9.The radio said that the clouds will be lift soon.
10.When she was going to sleep,the telephone rang suddenly.
11.The heavy rain keep from thousands of people going to work.
12.It is said that he did well with the boy who played football over there.
13.We must take all the measures to prevent the natural environment from being done.
14.I prefer reading book in the library to go out to have fish and French fries.
15.Such as the things almost happen every month.
16.We have finished more or less for two-thirds of the work.

热心网友 时间:2024-05-05 02:22

1.Li has decided more study hard, and catch up with other students.
2.Tomorrow night there will be a Sino-US Cup
3. The New Year is coming, everyone has been busy making preparations for it.
4. Li much better than I swim.
5. Next time you want to try to carefully
6. Li Lei, you have a phone
7. Why did not you take off your sweater? You need to wear some cool
8. Thank you for giving me such a beautiful gift
9. The radio said the clouds will soon be dispersed
10. She is preparing to sleep, suddenly the phone rang.
11. Heavy rain caused thousands of people unable to work 12. I heard he was playing with the other boys get along well
13. All measures must be taken to prevent soil erosion
14. I prefer reading in the reading room not out eating fish and fried potatoes
15. A similar incident occurred almost every month
16. We have completed about two-thirds of the work.

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to sleep late every day中 always 与every day只能留一个,虽然题目是”每天总是”但是时间状语重复了.八 weekends, they often spent in the library.中的weekends前应该加on,spent后应该加time 可能我说的也有错误的,希望看出来的人能帮我纠正一下,毕竟我只是一个高一的学生.谢谢~~~...


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