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发布网友 发布时间:2022-08-08 15:00



热心网友 时间:2024-11-28 12:03

He is known as a famous actor.
The boy is known as the youngest inventor in the town.
He is known for his outstanding performance.
The boy is known for his excellent creativity.
A bus has just passed me.
He finally managed to pass the test.
She is really interested in reading novels.
Nothing else could ever make him more interested in than this.
It's important to communicate with others when you are lost.
Communicating with the teachers is an essential part of your study.
You should thank him for doing the work.
Thank you all for coming to the meeting.
We should always be calm when in danger.
You were in danger of breaking the law when you were trying to do that.
This tool is especially useful for repairing bicycles.
This can be useful for preparing for exams.
The liquid gives out an extremely unpleansant smell.
These sheets are given out for free.
Press the button and let the machine do the job of washing.
It's not good for you to let others do the job of completing homework for you.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-28 12:03

1.The Great Wall is known as the symbol of China.
2.The singer is known for her fantastic performance.
3.If you try hard, you will surely pass the exam.
4.I am interested in some common knowledge.
5.You should communicate with your parents,so that they can give you some advise in time.
6.Thank you for remembering the time we spent together.
7.You will be in danger ,if you drive after drinking.
8.The note book is useful for writing down something instantly.
9.The fish gives out a bad smell.
10.He does the job of teaching the students.


热心网友 时间:2024-11-28 12:03

this city is known as the capital of the country
the town is known for beautiful scenery
The river passes through our land
susan is interested in playing basketball
This room communicates with the other room
He thanked her for the gift.
he is in the danger we must help him immediately
this tool is great useful for repair desk
goverment give out the bad news
tom did the job of repairment

热心网友 时间:2024-11-28 12:04

1 He was known as a famous football player.
2 Clancy is known for her kindness.
3 Pass the ball to me.
4 I am intersted in playing computer games.
5 I don like to communicate with strangers.
6 Thank you for inviting me to the party.
6 He was in danger at that moment.
7 The knife is uesful for cutting things.
8 The flowers give out a nice smell.
9 He do the job of washing dishes.
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