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发布网友 发布时间:2022-08-06 17:17



热心网友 时间:2024-11-18 21:37

The power switch in the desigh adopts a high frequency power conversion circuit using DC-DC converter, which controls the energy flow by controling the time ratio of switch and shutdown, and thus proces high-quality adjustable DC output voltage. The swith has two major systems: the main control circuit and loop control circuit - the main control circuit is the main AC transformer circuit which passes rectifier filter to the loading circuit, and the control loop circuit is a circuit which controls the work statue of the main control circuit according to the input and output conditions of PWM waveform generated by UC3843


热心网友 时间:2024-11-18 21:38

The design of switching power supply is a DC-DC converter using high frequency power conversion circuits, which opened through the control switch or shutdown time ratio to control energy flow, thus highly efficient way to proce high-quality adjustable DC output voltage, it has two major components: the main and loop control circuit - is the main circuit AC transformer rectifier filter through pass to load the circuit, through the control loop Driven PWM waveform generated by the input and output conditions state control of the main loop of the circuit.
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