发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-22 14:59
热心网友 时间:2023-05-13 02:07
摘要亲您好、更换的国内镜像源与系统版本不匹配很多人在开启树莓派后第一件事情是更换国内镜像源,以提升软件下载、更新速度。此时应该注意:树莓派系统也有不同的版本,如stretch、buster、jessie等。换源时一定要找对应的源,修改配置。若更换的源与系统版本不对应,update后很容易出现关机打不开的现象。2、树莓派供电出现问题很多莫名其妙的问题都与树莓派的供电有关系。3、树莓派配置文件出现问题树莓派无法开机也可能是因为配置文件出现问题。You’ll also need to make a small change to the config.txt file that Raspberry Pi uses when it boots.Using a memory card reader on your desktop computer, insert the Raspberry Pi SD card and open config.txt in your preferred text editor.Look for the following lines:hdmi_force_hotplug=1hdmi_drive=2Both options need to be enabled, which you can do by removing the hash symbol and saving. These options enable VGA output through an HDMI adaptor and sets the screen resolution to a low 640 x 480.If you want a higher resolution, remove the hash symbols from the following lines:hdmi_group=1hdmi_mode= 4咨询记录 · 回答于2021-12-22树莓派4b没有lpthread怎么办亲您好、更换的国内镜像源与系统版本不匹配很多人在开启树莓派后第一件事情是更换国内镜像源,以提升软件下载、更新速度。此时应该注意:树莓派系统也有不同的版本,如stretch、buster、jessie等。换源时一定要找对应的源,修改配置。若更换的源与系统版本不对应,update后很容易出现关机打不开的现象。2、树莓派供电出现问题很多莫名其妙的问题都与树莓派的供电有关系。3、树莓派配置文件出现问题树莓派无法开机也可能是因为配置文件出现问题。You’ll also need to make a small change to the config.txt file that Raspberry Pi uses when it boots.Using a memory card reader on your desktop computer, insert the Raspberry Pi SD card and open config.txt in your preferred text editor.Look for the following lines:hdmi_force_hotplug=1hdmi_drive=2Both options need to be enabled, which you can do by removing the hash symbol and saving. These options enable VGA output through an HDMI adaptor and sets the screen resolution to a low 640 x 480.If you want a higher resolution, remove the hash symbols from the following lines:hdmi_group=1hdmi_mode= 4哪怎么办哪怎么找对源哪个源是对的专家怎么不说话亲您好 原因分析:树莓派开机软件自启,串口外设初始化还没准备好,或者串口和对接的设备还没完成通讯连接。解决方案:保证串口号必须正确(教训) 在主程序所有初始化之前设置延时。再进行串口或其它外设的初始化。(我设置了12s的延时) 更保险的做法,串口对象创建之后,可以不用马上进行串口初始化,放在主程序其它对象完成初始化后再打开串口。