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发布网友 发布时间:2022-07-18 01:07



热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 00:45

1. Obviously, don’t buy ivory.
Or sell it, or wear it. New ivory is strictly banned, but antique ivory can be legally available for purchase. (The regulations are complicated; this is a good overview.) Ivory has traditionally been used for jewelry, billiard balls, pool cues, dominoes, fans, piano keys and carved trinkets. Shunning antique ivory is a clear message to dealers that the material is not welcomed, and it's an easy way to show your solidarity with the elephants.
2. Buy elephant-friendly coffee and wood.
Coffee and timber crops are often grown in plantations that destroy elephant habitats. Make sure to buy Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certified timber and certified fair trade coffee.
3. Support conservation efforts.
If only we could all be Jane Goodall or Dian Fossey, and move to the jungle or plains and thoroughly dedicate our lives to wildlife. Alas, for most of us that’s the stuff of daydreams. In the meantime, we can support the organizations that are actively committed to elephant preservation. There are many, but here are a few:

热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 00:45

Asian elephant, also known as Indian elephant, is mainly distributed in South and Southeast Asia. It has a finger like process at the tip of its nose. The female elephant has no ivory. Even half of the male elephant has no ivory or the ivory is very small. The ears are small and round. The front foot has 5 toes and the hind foot has 4 toes. There are 19 pairs of ribs (including 20 pairs of Sumatran subspecies, but one less than African elephant). The skull has two protuberances and the back is arched. He is gentle and easy to tame.

In 1990, when it was just confirmed that the two banks of Shuangtai estuary were breeding grounds for black headed gulls, most of them were breeding on the East Bank of Liaohe River. However, the black headed gull is the only one of the seagulls that does not nest on the island and hatches on the land. They have strict requirements on the breeding environment. They not only need rich food in coastal wetlands, but also have low and sparse Suaeda salsa. However, e to the over exploitation of the Liaohe River Delta, the breeding ground of the black Headed Gull graally moved from the East Bank of the Liao River to the South River area on the West Bank of the Liao River. Since 2000, shrimp farmers in nanxiaohe area began to introce seawater to develop shrimp farming instry. As a result, seawater has been poured into the breeding grounds of black headed gulls, and a large number of beaches have been submerged. Hundreds of black Headed Gull nests have been destroyed, and even some young birds have been drowned. Farmers here are fishing, picking orchid clams and digging silkworms, all of which are the food for the black Headed Gull. These behaviors have undoubtedly damaged the breeding habitat of the black Headed Gull and aggravated the rection of the number of the black Headed Gull.

Therefore, it is urgent to save the endangered black Headed Gull. In 2002, in order to strengthen the public's attention to the protection of wetlands and birds, the "green camp" went to the coastal beaches of Liaoning Province. Water pollution and breeding ground of black Headed Gull were investigated systematically.

The black headed gull is a special international protected bird species, which has been listed in the Red Book of endangered species compiled by the International Committee for the protection of birds. The body length of the black headed gull is about 32 cm. The alt is wearing a "black hat", with a black mouth and jade feathers and silver feathers. In the sun, it is as beautiful as a blooming black stamen white flower. In addition, the black headed gull is also an indicator species, it is very sensitive to the environment, its number can indicate the habitat environment. If one day, the black Headed Gull disappears in its habitat, it means that the local environment has been greatly damaged, and even human beings have to consider their own safety.
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