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发布网友 发布时间:2022-07-18 16:23



热心网友 时间:2023-10-11 18:29

The origin July 7th day:
In ancient times there was a good young man, named cowherd. His parents died young, often bullied by her family, even didn't score, leaving him a cow, but the cow is not generally cattle Oh, it was heaven Taurus becomes, for violating a day, so is the Jade Emperor banished to the mortal world for ox, it looked good cowboy was bullied so I decided to help him. One day, it suddenly opening tells the story, there is a lake east of the mountain, there are seven fairy to take a shower every day as long as the lake, the cowherd stole one of the dress, the fairy and unable to return to the temple, would stay and become his wife. Listen to the words, cowboy was secretly hide a fairy clothes, until the fairies bath to return to temple, the youngest girl found his clothes missing, nasty cry out, then the cowherd holding her clothes, Vega promised his wife asked my clothes she was watching the cowherd, honest, he promised, two people had a pair of children after marriage, life is very happy, but the cow died, before his death it told him, when he died off its skin, will come in handy when they encounter difficulties, this is it can only one thing to his. And the weaver married the news back to heaven, the Jade Emperor was furious, sent Wang Mu empress the weaver to back to back, Cowboy Weaver, think of the words, immediately put on Leather Magic overtook them cowhide, at this time Wang Mu empress a heart emergency, pull out the head on into the air or hairpin! Immediately there was a roaring waves of the Milky way, the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl Cowboy divided on both sides, and two children in the river burst into tears, its profound feelings also makes the Jade Emperor moved, so amnesty they meet once a year in July 7th the whole family. So every year to July 7th, there are countless magpie fly to heaven, set up a bridge, let the Cowherd and the weaver girl meet a river, that it will rain July 7th in the evening, this is the joy of reunion after the tears...
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