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发布网友 发布时间:2022-07-19 02:46



热心网友 时间:2023-10-13 11:33

1. This proct set all kinds of measurement, monitoring, alarm, display, in a communication to the four quadrants reactive measures the total electricity consumption and time-sharing fundamental fundamental electricity; can measure the pros and cons to the active and reactive to be the largest amount and the total points When the greatest need; can be measured in power factor, active power, reactive power, apparent power, and so can detect and record the loss of pressure, missing the entire three-phase flow and pressure, such as missing; can achieve long-range infrared and Meter reading, programming, monitoring and calibration; power load management system is also supporting end-procts.

2, the protection of computer terminals installed in all leads to weak current system does not allow the same device (referring to the power system CPU), the link. Different circuit, can be adopted Optocoupler, relay adapter, with a layer of shielding the transformer isolation measures, such as magnetic coupling
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