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发布网友 发布时间:2022-07-19 03:37



热心网友 时间:2023-10-13 18:27

Civilization county in suzhou All citizens:
The impressive surrey county, create become civilization is related to the county-wide people's personal interests and impressive sasha long-term development of a major event, is the county-wide people's common wishes, to improve the county civilization degree and citizen quality, improve the living environment, shaping "overseas Chinese hometown" image, promote the coordinate development of the economic society, has the significant role for creating climax, county WenMingBan lifted to all citizens issued initiative:
A, positive action to master attitude into creating activities. Civilization county is a universal activities, is every citizen bounden ty and obligation, all citizens to unify knowing, hand in hand together, common concern, support and participate in creating activities. Enhance create a sense of responsibility and self-consciousness, with their own practice support and trying to create a foundation activity civilization, and healthy and harmonious county of environment.
Second, starts from me, the struggle civilized citizen. Civilization county need all citizens vigorously support and the enthusiasm, starts from me, from the minor matter, starts from now bit, starts expelling the vices, advocate civilized, do not randomly anywhere threw garbage, fruit, spit or mp wastewater, not random spot point, disorderly ZhanDao, disorderly kept poultry, do not speak vulgar dialect, not to cause trouble, don't vandals, no extravagance, forming respect himself and others work achievement and civilized say and do things civilization of the new trend. Starting from daily life bagatelle, develop good living habits, civilized habit, the struggle civilized citizen.
Primary and middle school students are the main force of civilization county, should put to comply with the primary and middle school students' daily behavior standards become aware behavior, take care of the public facilities, observe public order and exquisite sanitation, cultivate civilized health habits, the struggle civilized student.
Third, make concerted efforts to establish civilization fresh air. Let impressive sasha tidiness, is our common wish, we will do civilization county "seeder," civilization consciousness, health concept and good behavior habits as bits seed propagation county of every place, To do obligations supervisors, influence county of bad conct dissuade image and supervise, influence county image wholesome blind Angle active clean, jpeg create jobs report and jointly maintain behavior timely pizza impressive image.
Shijun surging civilization tide, social harmony everything. Civilization county, civilization citizen civilized citizen called civilization county town. Let us act quickly and with our hard work and intelligence to create civilized county, constructing harmonious impressive sasha and try hard to struggle! 倡议人:xxxxxxx XXXX年XX月XX日

热心网友 时间:2023-10-13 18:27

用英语写一篇创建文明县城的倡议书To build a cultural townSaying goodbye to violence,to lead more people to plant what the suppliers need under the scientific technology!smoke less and sport more,appeal to us for learning scientific knowledges is to lay foundation of raising revenue!follow the specialist's guide with the government policy!fight for the next wonderful year!to be a cultural town so that everyone of us knew how to plant efficiently !
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