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谁有儿童英语歌曲APPLE SONG的全部歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-22 13:47



热心网友 时间:2023-04-26 04:16

《APPLE SONG》中英歌词如下:

Apple Red, Apple Red


Apple red, apple red 


Apple juice, apple sweet 


Apple, apple, I love you 


Apple sweet I love to eat 


Apple red, apple red 


Apple juice, apple sweet 


Apple, apple, I love you 


Apple sweet I love to eat 



儿歌《APPLE SONG》集合了易上口的英文语言和鲜明的音乐性和节奏感,歌曲中蕴含着丰富的自然知识和生活常识,是帮助孩子认识事物、了解世界的媒介之一。


热心网友 时间:2023-04-26 04:16

Apple red, apple round, apple juicy, apple sweet.
Apple apple, i love you.
Apple sweet i love to eat.

热心网友 时间:2023-04-26 04:16

Apple red, apple round, apple juicy, apple sweet.
Apple apple, i love you.
Apple sweet i love to eat.
歌曲后面的apple red apple red下一句是什么?

Apple, apple, I love you 苹果,苹果,我爱你 Apple sweet I love to eat 苹果糖我喜欢吃 Apple red, apple red 苹果红,苹果红 Apple juice, apple sweet 苹果汁,苹果糖 Apple, apple, I love you 苹果,苹果,我爱你 Apple sweet I love to eat 苹果糖我喜欢吃 ...

英语水果歌 儿童歌曲

儿童水果英文歌叫apple song,具体歌词如下:Apple song;苹果歌;apple round;苹果圆圆的;apple red;苹果红红的;apple juicy;苹果汁;apple sweet;苹果甜;apple apple;苹果 苹果;I love you;我爱你;apple sweet;苹果甜;I love to eat;我爱吃;apple round;苹果圆圆的;apple red;苹果...


这首儿童水果英文歌叫apple song,具体歌词如下:歌名:apple song 演唱者:群星 Apple song 苹果歌 apple round 苹果圆圆的 apple red 苹果红红的 apple juicy 苹果汁 apple sweet 苹果甜 apple apple 苹果 苹果 I love you 我爱你 apple sweet 苹果甜 I love to eat 我爱吃 apple round 苹果圆...


苹果苹果apple儿歌叫《AppleSong》。歌词如下:Appleround,applered.苹果圆,苹果红。Applejuicy,applesweet.苹果多汁,苹果甜。Appleapple,Iloveyou.苹果苹果,我爱你。Applesweet,Ilovetoeat.苹果甜甜,我爱吃。儿歌作用 儿歌吟唱中,优美的旋律、和谐的节奏、真挚的情感可以给儿童以美的享受和情感熏陶。...

I have an apple and you have two 请问这句歌词的英文歌名。

歌词如下:Apple Song - The New England Children's Choir I have an apple and you have two give me an apple and I have two I Give one apple and give better to you Don't beny an apple and you suit have two I have an apple and you have two give me an apple and I ...

求 童谣 Apple Song 伴奏 歌词 Apple round Apple red

Apple red, apple round, apple juicy, apple sweet.Apple apple, i love you.Apple sweet i love to eat.


《APPLE SONG》:Apple Red, Apple Red 苹果红,苹果红 Apple red, apple red 苹果红,苹果红 Apple juice, apple sweet 苹果汁,苹果糖 Apple, apple, I love you 苹果,苹果,我爱你 Apple sweet I love to eat 苹果糖我喜欢吃 Apple red, apple red 苹果红,苹果红 Apple ...

清华少儿英语 歌词

apple song Apple round, Apple red.Apple juicy, Apple sweet.Apple apple I love you.Apple sweet I love to eat.Angels Watching Over Me All night, all day,Angels watching over me,my lord.All night, all day,Angels watching over me.Sun is a—setting in the west,Angels watching ...


这首歌的名字是《歌名:apple round apple red》,是一首儿歌,歌词如下:Apple round apple red apple juice apple sweet apple apple I love you apple sweet I love to eat Apple round apple red apple juice apple sweet apple apple I love you apple sweet I love to eat Apple round ...

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