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发布网友 发布时间:2022-07-15 08:38



热心网友 时间:2023-05-12 02:29

Our country Stock market supervision existence's question as well as improves and consummates the market supervision suggestion the abstract: The so-called Stock market supervision, is refers to the negotiable securities Regulatory body to utilize the law, the economy as well as the essential administrative method, collects, behaviors as well as the securities investment Facilitating agency's and so on release, transaction behavior to the negotiable securities carries on the surveillance and the management. The Stock market supervision is in a country macro economic surveillance system neutral finance supervision system the essential constituent, is significant to Stock market's healthy development significance. key word: The Stock market, the supervision present situation, the question, the countermeasure, will control from the inside, the future to develop

热心网友 时间:2023-05-12 02:30

Chinese stock market supervision existing problems and improving and perfecting the market supervision suggestion

Abstract: the so-called stock market supervision, it is to point to the securities regulatory authority using legal, economic and administrative means, which are in need of securities issuance and trading of raising and actions such as well as securities investment intermediary agencies conct supervision and administration. The stock market supervision is one country macro-economic supervision system of financial supervision system and indispensable part of the healthy development of the stock market is of great significance.
Keywords: the stock market, regulatory status, problems and countermeasures, internal control, the future development
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