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I like living in city 英语作文

发布网友 发布时间:2022-07-13 17:19



热心网友 时间:2023-11-07 20:06

According to personal experience, personality type and emotional care, we found that some people have the idea of living in the suburbs for me, while some people prefer to live in the city.

Living in the suburbs and the city can lead a happy life. But if I want to choose a place to live, I think I will prefer the suburbs first.

I think living in the suburbs is more healthy, because we all know that urban pollution Although the suburbs are more and more polluted than before, their damage is lighter than that of the cities.

Therefore, the air in the suburbs is cleaner, the trees are shaded, and the rivers are clear. The suburbs are much quieter than the cities, because the city is the economic center, but it is very noisy.

There are not so many commercial activities. The suburbs become quiet and more suitable for the final life, but they are equally important Yes, the traffic jam in the suburbs is a big problem in big cities, which is hard to solve. But in the suburbs, people will never in a word worry about the inconvenience of going out.

I think living in the suburbs can have a higher quality of life. According to people's health, living environment and traffic conditions, I prefer to live in the suburbs.





热心网友 时间:2023-11-07 20:07

The benefit of living in a big city

Someone may choose to live at countryside rather than in a big city as they think the countryside has fresh air and no traffic jam.But for me,I like to live in a big city,because there're lots of benefits of living in a big city.

Firstly,if you live in a big city,you can buy what you want anytime at day or night,because there're so many supermarkets open for 24 hours .This will save you a lot of trouble to buy things as you could find anything you want in the supermarket or a mall.

Secondly,you could feel the modernization of the city.The development of the city will broaden your horizen and let you learn more.This you can only get by living in a city,not at countryside.

At last,the children living in a big city can enjoy better ecation than the countryside kids.Because there are many good schools and good teachers.So you can learn more knowledge in a big city.

In one word,I would like to live in a big city because there're really so many benefits.

if we live in the city centre we can enjoy urban convenient traffic, and convenient shopping, enjoy more development living environment!
But for different people there are different ideas,especialy the old people ,they need quite living environment.City centre can not afford this .And many people may come to city centre,so it is less safety .
But I like city centre life.For our young people ,if we live there ,we can learn more fashion things from different people. And get moer communications with others.


热心网友 时间:2023-11-07 20:07

Hello! I'm XXX. I like living in the city. I think it is beautiful and prosperous place. There, I can go shopping, and can eat a variety of Food. In summer, I can swim in the sea, pick up shells. In the big city, I feel the happiness and joy. I like living in a big city. Do you have any idea?
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