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发布网友 发布时间:2022-07-14 10:34



热心网友 时间:2023-09-21 13:54

Life have many for the first time, pregnant with sorrow, the first is worth you cherish. I also have many for the first time, took it to cook, I put my kitchen make is a mess!

"Oh! Today who is cooking......" Nobody answer me. I searched through family and there's nobody in sight. What is this? A note with a very casual write "noon we don't go home, you do eat". I was silent for a moment. Then, head appeared a word "I can't cook?"

"Guru, guru......" ! My stomach began to complain, can't, do it by yourself! I reached into the one that makes me uneasy kitchen. First open the refrigerator, "what?" Eggs, cabbage and potatoes. That do it today an egg, Chinese cabbage Fried rice!

Ah! The first type egg mixture. Stir o, should do. Chinese cabbage, wash up first. Then slowly one knife a sword of cutting. "How can that be?" Size is differ, thick thick, broken broken, Chinese cabbage dropped a land; Eggs also make the place is all. No matter, fill the stomach just is the most important.

First to oil, little to one. Can put the eggs, fry, fry; Put Chinese cabbage, continue to fry, put rice and fry for a second. Put half spoon of salt! O turn over, it! Applause!

Color can also; Smells a little strange; Taste-dare not eat! Summon up courage to taste a little bit, a little salty, and lettuce the taste of ripe, too oil! The summary. I only waiting for my mother came back to help me pick up the pieces. Also, help me to do something to eat, to eat!

热心网友 时间:2023-09-21 13:54

I helped with my friend to cook.
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