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发布网友 发布时间:2022-07-14 15:32



热心网友 时间:2023-09-29 02:08

I Introction (简介)

Olympic Games, international sports competition, held every four years at a different site, in which athletes from different nations compete against each other in a variety of sports. There are two types of Olympics, the Summer Olympics and the Winter Olympics. Through 1992 they were held in the same year, but beginning in 1994 they were rescheled so that they are held in alternate even-numbered years. For example, the Winter Olympics were held in 1994 and the Summer Olympics in 1996. The Winter Olympics were next held in 1998, and the Summer Olympics next occurred in 2000.

The modern Olympic Games began in Athens, Greece, in 1896, two years after French ecator Pierre de Coubertin proposed that the Olympic Games of ancient Greece be revived to promote a more peaceful world. The program for the 1896 Games, including only summer events (the Winter Olympics were not established until 1924), included about 300 athletes from fewer than 15 countries competing in 43 events in nine different sports. By contrast, when the Summer Olympics returned to Athens in 2004, more than 10,000 athletes from 202 countries competed in 28 different sports.

II International Olympic Committee (关于国际奥委会)

The Olympic Games are administered by the International Olympic Committee (IOC), which is headquartered in Lausanne, Switzerland. The IOC was created in 1894 in Paris, France, as an independent committee selecting its own members. (To begin the process, however, Coubertin himself chose the first 15 members.) IOC members are officially considered to be representatives from the IOC to their own nations, not delegates from their own countries to the IOC. Most members are elected to the IOC after serving on the National Olympic Committees (NOCs) of their own countries.

The first IOC members were all from Europe or the Americas, with the exception of one from New Zealand. The committee elected its first Asian member in 1908 and its first African member in 1910. Currently, members from European and North American countries still account for much of the IOC membership. IOC members must retire at the end of the year in which they reach the age of 80, unless they were elected before 1966, in which case they can serve for life.

III Brief History of the Olympics(奥运简史)

The first recorded Olympic Games took place in Olympia, in the beautiful region of Elias, in 776 BC. ( See Image To The Right )

There is evidence however, to support the claim that the games had been taking place a lot earlier than 776 BC, but these were not as organised or held every four years, as the 776 BC games had been.

The name of each Olympiad was named after the competitor of the stadium race, which was the favourite of all the events. The first Olympiad was named Koroibos of Elias, as he was the winner of the stadium race in 776 BC.

Olympia was, and still is, a beautiful place, and many temples and statues were built. These were all built in dedication to Zeus, the Father of all Gods. Olympia also became a centre for religion in the Mycenaean period.

The temples that were built in Olympia were all for a reason, and were of importance. The temple of Zeus, had as its centrepiece, a gold and ivory statue of Zeus. Standing at about 12 meters in height, the statue was very impressive. ( See Image To The Left )

The statue, sculptured by Phidias, was seen as one of the seven wonders of the ancient world. Also near to the temple of Zeus, was the wild olive tree from which the wreath crowns were made and presented to the winners of the events. Legend has it, this tree was planted by Herakles (Hercules).

In the beginning, the games consisted of only one event, the running of the stadium, and lasted for just one day. However, towards the 5th century, the games were extended to five days, and more events were also added.

From 729 BC the participants of the games had to compete in the nude in order to prevent any cheating, and also in the interest of safety. Originally, only Greeks born males, who had not committed murder or heresy, where allowed to take part in the games. However, later on, Romans were also permitted to take part. Women were forbidden to compete, and were even banned from entering the stadium to watch the games.
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