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发布网友 发布时间:2022-07-14 15:15



热心网友 时间:2023-09-28 14:37

Abstract: In the modern enterprise system to strengthen accounting oversight into the accounting profession has been the focus of keen discussion. In order to standardize the accounting practices and guidelines to enhance the quality of accounting information and strengthen supervision over accounting has become the establishment of a modern enterprise system an important component. Accounting supervision as a form of supervision or economic activities, economic supervision system is an integral part of its own constitute a complete system. This paper will be divided into internal accounting accounting supervision and external supervision over accounting oversight, from within and outside the two areas to explore ways to strengthen accounting oversight, improve the quality of accounting information and prevent the issue of false accounting.

Key words: Accounting Oversight accounting fraud Internal Oversight external oversight

热心网友 时间:2023-09-28 14:38

Abstract: Under the modern enterprise system to strengthen accounting oversight into the accounting profession has been the focus of keen discussion. In order to standardize the accounting behavior, and improve the quality of accounting information and strengthen accounting oversight has become the establishment of a modern enterprise system an important component. Accounting supervision as a form of supervision or economic activities, economic supervision system is an integral part of its own constitute a complete system. This paper will be divided into internal accounting accounting supervision and external supervision over accounting oversight, from both inside and outside the two areas to explore ways to strengthen accounting oversight, improve the quality of accounting information and prevent the issue of false accounting
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