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发布网友 发布时间:2022-07-14 04:15



热心网友 时间:2023-09-16 09:24

The Feeling of Everybody’s FineAn old father who was proud of his children was waiting his babies to spend holidays with him. However, the result was that none of them appeared. Ignoring the doctor’s advice, he began the travelling towards the place of his heart.Eight months ago, his wife passed and his children were busy, lacking time to be with him. During the journey, he talked with the passengers beside him about his outstanding children, showed them the pictures and his happiness, hoping to give his honeys big surprises.Enthusiasm fading, he was waiting for the door opening, with his children appearing, smiling and surprising. With time going, he disappointed.He was lonely though he was smiling; he ate the sea of loss with the food. Instead of sharing his treasure with the passengers, he sat in silence tiredly. His grandchild opened the door. Then he saw his daughter, Amy, running towards him as if she was still his little girl. He knew they were hiding, which let him down and felt as if he was a clag and not welcomed.He's trying so hard to get all family members sitting around the same table. He said,” if you don't come to me, I’m gonna go to you.” Love is so complicated. Parents love their children and expect them to become big men who are successful and highly respected someday. Nevertheless, the children feel that parents push them too hard. Love is interpreted as restrain by misunderstanding.
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