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谁帮我出20个反义疑问句(英语) 适用于初一 附答案!

发布网友 发布时间:2022-07-26 06:57



热心网友 时间:2023-10-18 03:14

1. The movie that we saw last week was quite interesting, ______?
a. wasn’t it b. was it c. didn’t we d. weren’t we

2. Tom has been writing letters all afternoon, but he should have finished them by now,
a. hasn’t he b. has he c. shouldn’t he d. didn’t you

3. David told me that you would take a trip to America, ______?
a. would you b. wouldn’t you c. did you d. didn’t you
6. Any one can join the club, ______?
a. can any one b. can’t any one c. can’t they d. can they

7. Tell me how to operate the electronic computer, ______?
a. will you b. shan’t you c. do you d. don’t you

8. May scarcely comes to visit you on Christmas Day, ______?
a. doesn’t she b. does she c. do you d. don’t you

9. Let’s listen to the radio program that the teacher mentioned, ______?
a. do we b. don’t we c. shall we d. shan’t we


1. He wouldn't wait in line the next day ,______ ?
2. She has been learning English , _________ ?
3. We can't take the books out ,________ ?
4. He has to go home on foot , ________ ?
5. You haven't had your lunch ________ ?
6.We have nothing to eat , ________ ?
7.They dislike the book ,________ ?
8. There used to be a post office in the street ,________ ?
10.We must hand in the exercises , ________ ?
11.You dare to jump off the wall ,________ ?
12. He made a few mistakes in his exercises , ________ ?
13 She must be a music lover ,________ ?
15. I don't think you 're serious , ________ ?
16.Let us do the jobs by ourselves ,________ ?
18. Do the homework by yourselves , ________ ?
19 Let's enter the hall ,________ ?
20 .You must have seen him yesterday ,________ ?


1. would he 2.hasn't she 3.can we 4.doesn't he 5.have you 6.have we 7.don't they 8. usedn't there 9.didn't he 10.mustn't we 11.don' t you 12.didn't he 13.isn't she 14.don't you 15.are you 16.will you 17.Yes 18.will you 19.will you 20.didn't


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