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发布网友 发布时间:2022-07-27 06:22



热心网友 时间:2023-10-08 22:17

1 The next Olympic Games will be held in Beijing in 2008. we can study more English to make friends with people around the world.
2. I like dog. because it's cute and clever. i don't have a pet.
3. my school is clean and beautiful. i like it very much. because i can play with a lot of friends.
4. I like to listen to music becasue i like singing.
5. i visit my grandparents, go shopping with my mother and read some books.
6. i like to wear a scarf and gloves ,a sweater and a warm coat in winter. in summer, i wear T-shirt, shorts and sandals. in spring and fall, i wear a jacket, shirt and jeans.
7.we can read books in the library. we can not talk or eat in the library.
8.New Year's Day is on January the first. Teacher's Day is on September the first. Children's Day is on June the first.
9. i like reading books. i like reading story books.
10. i like cartoons. Garfield is my favorite.
11.we got 316 metals in in Doha Asian Games.China is the first one.Korea is the second place.they got 193 metals.
12.my shool's name is... it's in .... it has a lot of buidings, trees and flowers, a library, a playground and a lot of classrooms.(根据学校情况自己发挥)
13.she doesn't let me play computer games. she wants me to do my homework.
14.they don't like singing at home. i like pop music.
15. i know Spring Festival, The Middle autumn festival and the Lantern festival. i like Spring festiva best becasue i can get a lot of presents.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-08 22:17

1,the next Olympic Games hold in Beijing 2008.I can study English and Chinese traditional culture hardly than I can introce for the foreigner.
2,I like cat best,because it's so smart,but I don't have a cat for pet.
3,My school is the best school.I like her very much,because I am a pupil of my school.
4,I like listening to music for nothing,just like it.
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