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贴片6脚电源IC丝印OMP 37R E5是什么型号

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-22 14:47



热心网友 时间:2023-06-23 09:15

OMP 37R E5 液晶电源芯片

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追答LD7537 原型号就是这个

热心网友 时间:2023-06-23 09:15

贴片6脚电源IC丝印OMP 37R E5是
LD5530R 台湾通嘉
Rev. 00
General Description
The LD5530 is built-in with several functions, protection
and EMI-improved solution in a tiny package. It takes less
components counts or circuit space, especially ideal for
those total solutions of low cost.
The implemented functions include low startup current,
green-mode power-saving operation, leading-edge
blanking of the current sensing and internal slope
compensation. It also features more protections like
OLP (Over Load Protection) and OVP (Over Voltage
Protection) to prevent circuit damage occurred under
abnormal conditions.
Furthermore, the Frequency Swapping function is to
rece the noise level and thus helps the power circuit
designers to easily deal with the EMI filter design by
spending minimum amount of component cost and
developing time.
 High-Voltage CMOS Process with Excellent ESD
 Very Low Startup Current (<1A)
 Current Mode Control
 Green Mode Control
 UVLO (Under Voltage Lockout)
 LEB (Leading-Edge Blanking) on CS Pin
 Internal Frequency Swapping
 Internal Slope Compensation
 OVP (Over Voltage Protection) on Vcc Pin
 Adjustment OVP(Over Voltage Protection) on CS Pin
 Adjustment OCP(Over Current Protection) on CS Pin
 OTP (Over Temperature Protection) through a NTC
 OLP (Over Load Protection)
 250/-500mA Driving Capability
 Switching AC/DC Adaptor and Battery Charger
 Open Frame Switching Power Supply
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