发布时间:2022-07-17 05:28
时间:2024-12-03 19:36
兰花亭的第九年长春永和[西元 353 ]开始迟来的春天,我们相聚在兰亭在山阴的kweich'i为水 节,以洗去恶灵. 这里聚集了所有的同道者和组装双方的老人和青年. 这里山高大雄伟嶂,树木枝叶厚高大竹类植物. 这里也是清楚的溪流潺潺急流,捕捉人们眼帘的,由左,右. 77 ,我们自己要坐的海湾, 饮酒继承一杯漂浮下来弯弯流; 虽然没有音乐,弦乐及木管乐器,但候补唱歌,喝酒, 我们正在努力处理好,好好享受一个安静的亲密交谈. 今天天空晴朗,空气清新,凉风那种温和. 真正的乐趣是坐看庞大的宇宙及以上万物下文 长风整个景观眼睛,让我们的感情生龙活虎,将会 因此消耗快乐的眼睛和耳朵. 现在,当人们聚集在一起,想象自己的生活, 一些坐下来谈,并要给他们的想法,在发生亲密关系的一个房间,而且一些 克服了情绪,腾空出来成为世界超越身体的现实. 虽然我们选择的乐趣根据我们的倾向,有些嘈杂和吵闹, 和其他人安静稳重,然而当我们发现,这使我们感到高兴,我们大家都很高兴,心满意足, 的程度,忘记了,我们老去. 然后,在如下饱足感满意,并与变化的情况下,这种变化也给我们的冲动和*, 因此就产生了一种感觉,一点点遗憾. 在刹那间,对象我们以前的快乐已成为过去的事, 仍迫使美,意境的遗憾记忆. 此外,虽然我们的生活可能是长或短,但最后我们全部结束虚无. "伟大的确是生死" ,说古人. 啊! 什么悲哀!
时间:2024-12-03 19:37
Translation of Master Lin’s translation
晋 王羲之
2005-9-28 16:21:52
This is the ninth year of Yungho (A.D. 353), kueichou in the cycle. We met in late spring at the Orchid Pavilion in Shan-yin to celebrate the Water Festival.
今年是永和九年 (西元 353),也是癸丑年。这是晚春,大家在山阴县的兰亭聚会,庆祝水节。
All the scholar friends are gathered, and there is a goodly mixture of old and young. In the background lie high peaks and deep forests, while a clear, gurgling brook catches the light to the right and to the left. We then arrange ourselves, sitting on its bank, drinking in succession from the goblet as it floats down the stream. No music is provided, but with drinking and singing, our hearts are at ease. It is a clear spring day with a mild, caressing breeze. The vast universe, throbbing with life, lies spread before us, entertaining the eye and pleasing the spirit and all the senses. It is perfect.
Now when people come together, they let their thoughts travel to the past and the present. Some enjoy a quiet conversation indoors and others play about outdoors, occupied with what they love. The forms of amusement differ according to temperaments, but when each has found what he wants he is happy and never feels old. Then as time passes on and one is tired of his pursuits, it seems that what fascinated him not so long ago has become a mere memory. What a thought! Besides, whether indivially we live a long life or not, we all return to nothingness. The ancients regarded death as the great question. Is it not sad to think of it?
I often thought that the people of the past lived and felt exactly as we of today. Whenever I read their writings I felt this way and was seized with its pathos. It is cool comfort to say that life and death are different phases of the same thing and that a long span or life or a short one does not matter. Alas! The people of the future will look upon us as we look upon those who have gone before us. Hence I have recorded here those present and what they said. Ages may pass and times may change, but the human sentiments will be the same. I know that future readers who set their eyes upon these words will be affected in the same way.
时间:2024-12-03 19:37
在第九年内那执政 Yungho[西元 353] 在那开始迟的春天我们在兰花见面大帐蓬在 Kweich'i 的 Shanyin 为水节日的, 到洗离开那*精神。
这里是聚集了所有的着名人而且装配了老年人和年轻者。 这里是高的山和宏伟的峰巅, 用厚的树叶和高的竹子树。 这里也是清楚的水流而且流动且发出如倒水的声音迅速的, 易传染的一眼睛从那左右方的。 我们小组我们自己井然有序地, 就坐被那水边, 和喝在连续方面从一杯子漂浮的 ??落那弯曲的水流; 而且虽然没有音乐从线和木材-吹奏乐器, 仍然与代理人歌唱和喝, 我们很好地处理彻底地享受一安静秘密的交谈。
今天天空是清楚的, 空气是新鲜的和那类型微风是温和的。 真正可享受它是在上面对手表坐极广大的宇宙和在下面万事物, 遍历整个的风景与我们的眼睛而且让我们的情绪漫游有关在意志, 如此用尽快乐那眼睛和耳朵。
现在当人一起对推测生活本身聚集的时候, 一些坐着和谈话而且卸货他们的想法在房间的亲密方面, 和一些, 克服被情绪, 高飞范围往前进入一个世界之内超过身体的真实。 虽然我们选择我们的快乐依照我们的倾向-一些吵杂和为非作歹的, 和其他安静和沈着的-仍然当我们有发现哪一个使~高兴我们, 我们全部快乐和满足, 到忘记的程度我们是成长的旧。然后, 当饱满跟随满足, 和与那变化环境, 变化也我们的一时的兴致和*, 那里然后发生一感觉深切的遗憾。在闪烁中一眼睛, 那物体我们的前快乐有变成事物那过去, 仍然无法抗拒在我们里面惋惜记忆的心情。 此外, 虽然我们的生命可能是长的或短, 最后我们所有的无的结束。 " 棒的确是生活和死亡 ", 远古者说。 啊! 什么悲哀!
时间:2024-12-03 19:38
This is the ninth year of Yungho (A.D. 353), kueichou in the cycle. We met in late spring at the Orchid Pavilion in Shan-yin to celebrate the Water FestivalAll the scholar friends are gathered, and there is a goodly mixture of old and young. In the background lie high peaks and deep forests, while a clear, gurgling brook catches the light to the right and to the left. We then arrange ourselves, sitting on its bank, drinking in succession from the goblet as it floats down the stream. No music is provided, but with drinking and singing, our hearts are at ease. It is a clear spring day with a mild, caressing breeze. The vast universe, throbbing with life, lies spread before us, entertaining the eye and pleasing the spirit and all the senses. It is perfect. Now when people come together, they let their thoughts travel to the past and the present. Some enjoy a quiet conversation indoors and others play about outdoors, occupied with what they love. The forms of amusement differ according to temperaments, but when each has found what he wants he is happy and never feels old. Then as time passes on and one is tired of his pursuits, it seems that what fascinated him not so long ago has become a mere memory. What a thought! Besides, whether indivially we live a long life or not, we all return to nothingness. The ancients regarded death as the great question. Is it not sad to think of it?
I often thought that the people of the past lived and felt exactly as we of today. Whenever I read their writings I felt this way and was seized with its pathos. It is cool comfort to say that life and death are different phases of the same thing and that a long span or life or a short one does not matter. Alas! The people of the future will look upon us as we look upon those who have gone before us. Hence I have recorded here those present and what they said. Ages may pass and times may change, but the human sentiments will be the same. I know that future readers who set their eyes upon these words will be affected in the same way.
时间:2024-12-03 19:38