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[急求]玛丽 格丽娜《爱是一棵月亮树》的英文原文

发布网友 发布时间:2022-07-17 04:11



热心网友 时间:2024-08-25 16:33

since sees you, dear, I deeply fall in love with you, why can'tsay, one kind of sound, it seems from the very high place falls. I raise, moon extraordinary white, a tree is portraying the shadow quietly.
  my mind, were already crowded by that many green's leaf, see you, I want to form them beautiful Ye Huan. If one day, you go out the moon tree, this Ye Huanhui revolves you, my red lip is in the green leaf the shy opening red double prunus.
  your vision so are always solemn, I do not dare to look at the moon, the moon tree am the devil again, a your gently leap, likely only arrogant rooster, but my both eyes only in sorrowful, tears likely moonlight. You may extend your body, scatters the broken month completeness. I this young heart has lost balanced, stands under the moon tree, was thinking loves desolate, rises early the dusk star has vanished, the space rosy cloud brume is flying randomly, my heart actually does not have the home to return.
  dear, the moon tree bears fruit? In Europe, it is said under the moonlight fruit is bitter. In the dream moon tree forever cannot tie the fruit. On the buckeye swings has wonderfully, the entire summer's evening looks like the wave to sway.
  my tender microcheiria open to you, if the lotus flower bud just bloomed. Before arriving at your one's side, I am a without cause for grief tree. But the present moon tree builds up a palace Di in my heart, for you, I forms some to my useless thing the moon tree's appearance, in my world you, everywhere have not been you.
  you also said that the love is a moon tree, these I cried. the dark night, the cricket the cry squirts in the woods, that had been bright the smile, that had glittered the teardrops, that had been gorgeous the lilac, in you with the moon tree in front, turns a piece of white the death.
  that dear, lets me die! This world has too many travelers in a hurry, they can roam willfully, on their foot sends out the grass to be fragrant, their facial cast, is glittering the joyful light. Do they come from where, also where can arrive at to go, these were not worthy of mentioning to me. the moon tree has not collapsed, I only then boundless sorrow.
  John under the ficus religiosa ball that the guitar, how many setting sun dusk, how many rising sun morning, his bullet hit identical song, I once liked hearing it, but I cannot approach John, because, I have already given myself you. you can cause society all charming moving girls, abandons the false pride, prostrates oneself in yours under foot.
  the love, are a moon tree, a moon tree, dear. although it does not bear fruit, or ties the fruit is also bitter and astringent, but I want, dear, I am willing block from a moon tree's sad cloud.

热心网友 时间:2024-08-25 16:30

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