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关于“Happy Spring Festival”的英语作文,不少于100字

发布网友 发布时间:2022-07-16 00:53



热心网友 时间:2024-11-24 03:49

  Of all our holidays the Spring Festival is the most important to us Chinese. Everyone gets about one week off work for it. The Spring Festival is mainly a family celebration. No matter how far away from home a person is, he will always try to get home in time to gather together.

  Several days before this new lunar year,my brother and I cleaned our rooms and decorated them. The old folk say that everything must be new and clean for the Spring Festival so that the new year will bring happiness and good luck.

  On the 30th of the December of the lunar year, my father told me to write a new year couplets, my mother was busy with cooking for lunch new year couplets. My mother was busy cooking for lunch。 On the table were all kinds of dishes at noon. What an enormous and delicious dinner! I have never tasted it. I had never tasted such a nice dinner. Because of happiness, I drank with Father at dinner.

  I was very excited the next morning and woke up earlier than ever. Mother and Father were making jiaozi. So I helped them with that. When several bowls of jiaozi were ready and put on the table, my father lit the incense on the table. Then my brother tied some firecrackers to a pole and went outside. I picked up a stick which was still burning in the stove to light them. With loud bangs the firecrackers went off. With loud bangs we greeted the first day of the new lunar year.

  What a happy Spring Festival I had!

  We hoped that the loud bangs would drive away everything unpleasant in the past and bring us greater happiness and luck in the new year.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-24 03:49

January 25th,a very important day in Chinese history.It's spring festival!The weather was good.My parents and I went to my grandparents'home to celebrate the festival.I met my drothers and sisters there.We played games,told stories......We felt very happy.In 12 o'clock we had a rich lunch.But the centrol food was nplings,it's the traditional food in spring festival.At night,we also had mplings for supper.Then we went to park to watch beacon,it's very beautiful and I like them.Smile is in everyone's face,so am I.What a wonderful and happy day I had today,I never forget it!

热心网友 时间:2024-11-24 03:50

The Spring Festival is a very important festival in China.It’s on the first day of the first lunar month.Before the Spring Festival,people have bought presents, like,meat, fruit,flowers drinks and somethings for themselves.

The children are very happy because the Spring Festival is coming.Mothers have bought clothes for them child.The clothes are very beautiful.

At the Spring Festival night twelve o’clock,people eat mplings with money,stand for safe.

It is really a happy festival.
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