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发布网友 发布时间:2022-07-15 13:49



热心网友 时间:2024-12-05 03:00

Abstract: at present, the proction line of the methods adopted by artificial laboratory testing the thermal USES for the vapor injection boiler operation condition, this method exists large human error and lagging, largely influenced steam injection dry degree of the accuracy of the test. In order to solve this problem, with heavy hot technology supporting technology development, water/steam two-phase flow dynamic monitoring technology, microcomputer detection-control two-phase flow. Two phase flow is standard microcomputer detection-control throttle device to measure the two-phase flow, and dry degree and based on the summary and develop a new technology, can effective measure the steam injection parameters, automatic detection for the vapor injection boiler operation conditions. At the same time, its simple human-machine interface, can well satisfy site use requirement.
Keywords: two phase flow, Steam injection parameters, Steam boiler, Dry, flow

热心网友 时间:2024-12-05 03:01

Abstract: At present, proces one to use the manual chemical examination the method to examine uses the note boiler furnace hotly the movement situation, this method has the big personal error and the hysteresis quality, has to a great extent affected the note steam dryness test accuracy.In order to solve this problem, picks the craft necessary technology hotly along with the thick oil the development, the water/steam two phase current dynamic monitor technology development, appeared two phase current microcomputer observation and control technology.Two phase current microcomputer observation and control technology is with the standard throttling gear measured two phase currents dryness and the current capacity, and summarize a new technology take this as the foundation which and develops, may survey each note steam parameter effectively, automatic detection note boiler furnace movement situation.At the same time, its concise direct-viewing man-machine contact surface, may satisfy the field use request well.

Key word: Two phase currents; Note steam parameter; Note boiler furnace; Dryness; Current capacity

热心网友 时间:2024-12-05 03:01

Abstract: At present, the proction line used for testing the method of artificial heat boiler using steam injection operation, this method there is a large man-made error and lag, to a large extent affected the dry steam injection test accuracy sexual. In order to solve this problem, with the heavy oil thermal recovery process supporting technology development, water / steam two-phase flow of the dynamic monitoring of technological development, there has been two-phase flow computer measurement and control technology. Computer technology is a two-phase flow measurement and control expenditure by standard two-phase flow measurement device with the flow of dry degrees as the basis for the summary and the development of a new technology can be effectively measured parameters of the steam injection, steam injection automatic detection the operation of the boiler. At the same time, its simple and intuitive man-machine interface, can be used to meet the requirements of the scene.
Key words: two-phase flow; steam injection parameters; boiler steam injection; stem degrees; flow
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