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发布网友 发布时间:2022-07-16 05:31



热心网友 时间:2024-11-15 10:06

The total precipitation for the law synthetic micrometres belt burr of Tansuanli (Li2CO3) and carbonic acid manganese (MnCO3) ball for damages caused calcine material prepared by a porous spherical type of spinel LiMn2O4 as a lithium-ion batteries positive materials, and through the valuable objects to the modified surface active agent, scattered porous ball into nano particles. Using XRD, Tem and FESEM proct of the objects to the means of expression and externalities for, and explore the formation of such objects and externalities of the mechanisms. The electrochemical performance for the research provides the theoretical basis for analysis and material basis. Micrometres of synthetic porous spherical particle shape and the LiMn2O4 preliminary electrochemical performance test results showed that in 25 degrees, porous balls and particles LiMn2O4 batteries in high-voltage areas (4V), the first charge and 112mAh/g 123mAh/g capacity respectively, 112mAh/g 123mAh/g and discharge capacity respectively. Preliminary studies indicate the initial capacity of the externalities of the electrode material impact on its electrochemical performance in the structure and build a bridge between their performance.
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