发布时间:2022-07-17 02:07
时间:2024-12-14 09:21
出生地 England, UK
英文名:Jason Statham
他,是跟李连杰合作最多的西方演员,在《龙之吻》和《狼犬丹尼》中,他们都曾过过招。在最新影片《玩命快递》中,贾森·斯塔森树立了自己的动作明星地位。 让我们用这位动作英雄的秘笈——力量、速度和全方位的好勇斗狠——将你的世界翻个底朝天!
说实在的,我敢打赌,斯塔森在和我交谈的时间里燃烧了500卡路里的热量。从他关节暴突的狠命握手(这就烧掉25卡路里),到用拳头轮番作势捶我的脸(又是38卡路里),到我们说话时一直不肯老老实实坐着(每分钟燃烧卡路里的不停躁动),斯塔森把会谈变成了无氧锻炼。凸显身体上的力量,是斯塔森的真正魔力所在——重点在于“真正”二字。在影片《两杆大烟*》(Lock,Stock,and Two Smoking Barrels)中)中扮演一个典型的街头恶棍时,他正是在伦敦倒腾黑市货品。如今,这位36岁的演员因在电影《偷天换日》(Italian Job)和《非常人贩》(Transporter)中扮演强健沉默的致命暴徒而闻名,而此片的续集《玩命快递》(The Transporter2)刚刚在国内上映。在最新作品《暴戾狂徒》(Crank)---预计今年晚些时候在北美公映--中,他扮演一个不将肾上腺素保持在炼狱般熊熊燃烧的水平上他就会死的骗子。这对斯塔斯来说并不夸张,他的身体状况简不可思议--他所做的一切都充满力量--他的观点差不多和他的握手一样强硬。
Jason Statham
Born: 1972 in England
Occupation: Actor
Active: 2000s
Major Genres: Action, Crime
Career Highlights: Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, The Italian Job, Transporter 2
First Major Screen Credit: Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels (1998)
British director Guy Ritchie frequently attributes the success of his unorthodox crime films -- 1998's Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels, 2000's Snatch -- to the fact that his offbeat miscreants are more than believable, they are real. Preferring to cast for authenticity rather than resumé, Ritchie handpicks many of his actors from the true-life cult figures and rascals of London's underbelly. Actor Jason Statham is among the best of them.
A one-time Olympic diver, fashion model, and black-market salesman, Statham came to acting by way of commercials and "street theater" -- a euphemism for hustling tourists on London's Oxford Street. Raised in Syndenham, London, he was the second son of a lounge singer and a dressmaker turned dancer. Although Statham had the familial background to go immediately into entertainment, he excelled first on the high dive. He was a member of the 1988 British Olympic Team in Seoul, Korea, and remained on the National Diving Squad for ten years. In the late '90s, a talent agent specializing in athletes landed Statham a gig in an ad campaign for the European clothing retailer French Connection. This led to an appearance in a Levi's Jeans commercial and a fledgling modeling career. Meanwhile, Statham had also earned local fame as a street corner con man, selling stolen jewelry and counterfeit perfume out of a briefcase. Thus, when French Connection's owner became one of the biggest investors in Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels, he naturally introced the diver/model/hustler to knave-hunting Ritchie.
Intrigued by Statham's past and impressed by his modeling work, Ritchie invited him to audition for a part in the film. The director challenged Statham to impersonate an illegal street vendor and convince him to purchase a piece of imitation gold jewelry. Statham was evidently so persuasive that Ritchie bought four sets. When the director attempted to return his worthless acquisition -- pretending that the gold had turned to stainless steel -- Statham was so graciously inflexible that Ritchie hired him.
This unorthodox audition resulted in Statham's big screen debut as Bacon, one of Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels' four primary characters engaged in a risky get-rich-quick scheme to repay a massive gambling debt. Bacon supplies a streetwise discipline and restraint that the other characters lack and a sense of humility crucial to Ritchie's film. In the director's follow-up crime comedy, Snatch, Ritchie rehired Statham to play Turkish, a smalltime hood vainly trying to break into the world of underground boxing. As this amateur but respectable hoodlum, Statham is attractive, urbane, immaculate, and smart enough to be bewildered by even his own laughable criminal ineptitude. The role began as a small supporting part in Snatch's star-filled ensemble cast but expanded throughout shooting. By the time of the film's theatrical release, Statham received top billing as its narrator and chief anti-hero.
The Guy Ritchie oeuvre that supplied his breakthrough performances is not Statham's only acting arena. In 2000, he made his American film debut as a British drug dealer in Robert Adetuyi's Turn It Up starring Pras Michel. By 2001, he had finished shooting John Carpenter's sci-fi thriller Ghosts of Mars and joined Delroy Lindo in the cast of the Jet Li vehicle The One. A chance to reteam with former Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrel co-star Vinnie Jones proved too fun an opportuity to resist, and Stratham would round out a particularly busy 2001 with his role in the prison-bound sports remake Mean Machine.
Just as audiences were finally standing up to take notice of the amiable tough-guy, Stratham stepped into his own as the action lead of the explosive 2002 adrenaline ride The Transporter. A sizable hit that would earn Stratham increasingly prominant roles in such high profile pics as The Italian Job, Collateral, and Cellular, The Transporter established Stratham as a bankable international action star and was eventually followed by a 2005 sequel that miraculously managed the improbable feat of upping the ante of the previous installment's over-the-top cartoon violence. A starring role in Ritchie's 2005 crime thriller Revolver found Stratham re-teaming with the director who launched his career with decidedly mixed results, and the following year it was off to race the clock and rescue the girl as a reformed assassin looking to make good in the hyper-intense action entry Crank. ~ Aubry Anne D'Arminio, All Movie Guide
1972年生于英格兰的詹森·斯坦森的来历不凡,他曾效力英国国家潜水艇队,并代表英国参加1992年世界锦标赛,取得第12名的成绩。退役后詹森·斯坦森成为法国时装公司Connection的一名平面模特,被正在为寻找男主角而头疼的导演盖·里奇看中,在1998年黑色幽默电影《两杆大烟*》(《Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels》)里出演弄巧成拙的小混混贝肯。《两杆大烟*》被称为是“男人一生中必看的电影”,这足以证明这部电影的成功,而有着沉默安静气质和硬朗外形的詹森·斯坦森在《两杆大烟*》中的表演则令人耳目一新,虽然是第一次出演电影,詹森·斯坦森收放自如的演技和迅猛流畅的潇洒动作还是使他博得了日后一帮忠实影迷的青睐。
2001年詹森·斯坦森出演的科幻片《火星幽灵》 被称为超级烂片,在与李连杰合作的电影《The One》里的表现也并未能引起太多人的注意,但有了与华人演员的良好合作,当2002年的合拍片《非常人贩》(《The Transporter》)在寻找男主角时,导演元奎和路易斯·莱特里尔便决定将“地下送货员”弗兰克·马丁的角色交给詹森·斯坦森。一个外冷内热的黑道人物因爱上一个女子而改变,这剧情显然会让人联想到吕克贝松的《这个杀手不太冷》,只是《非常人贩》对于发掘人性的深度思考毫无兴趣,而是把重点放在了火爆的动作场面和爱情故事里,于是我们发现,原来光头的男人也可以如此*,冷酷男人脸上偶尔露出的一丝微笑,更让女人心醉神驰,男人们则津津乐道于电影男主角劲酷从容的打斗场面。《非常人贩》上映后迅速窜红北美票房,詹森·斯坦森也凭借充满力度的表现,正式晋级为好莱坞新一代动作影星。
2006年詹森·斯坦森出演警匪片《乱战》(《Chaos》),2007年斯坦森在奇幻冒险片《末日危城》(《In the Name of the King: A Dungeon Siege Tale》)饰演了一个拯救国家的农夫,但观众对这部根据游戏改编的电影毫不买账,影片惨淡收场。2007年斯坦森较为受到关注的影片,是与华人影星李连杰合拍的动作片《游侠》(《War》),他在其中饰演暴力蛮横的FBI警探杰克。在谈到为何选择詹森·斯坦森出演杰克时,《游侠》的制片人史蒂文·查斯曼评论道:“斯坦森是一个很伟大的演员,带给角色的可不仅仅是他那副傲人的身材,也包括多元的情感。”
《牺牲品The Expendables》2009年2月开拍
《 The Brazilian Job 》 (2009) ...Handsome Rob
《非常人贩3/玩命快递3 Transporteur IlI, Le》(2008)
《死亡飞车 Death Race 》 (2008) ...
《银行大劫案 the bank job》(2008)
《末日危城/地牢围攻 In the Name of the King: A Dungeon Siege Tale 》 (2007) ...Farmer
《War游侠 War 》 (2007) ...Jack Crawford
《银行抢劫案 Baker Street 》 (2006) ...(rumored)
《生死就在转身间/快客杀手/怒火攻心 Crank 》 (2006) ...Chev Chelios
《粉红豹 The Pink Panther 》 (2006) ...Yves Gluant (uncredited)
《混乱作战 Chaos 》 (2006) ...Quentin Conners
《伦敦 London 》 (2005) ...Bateman
《非常人贩2/玩命快递2 Transporteur II, Le 》 (2005) ...Frank Martin
《转轮手* Revolver 》 (2005) ...Jake
《一线声机/绝地生机/驳命来电 Cellular 》 (2004) ...Ethan
《借刀杀人/同行杀机/间接伤害 Collateral 》 (2004) ...Airport Man
《 Dialing Up 'Cellular' 》 (2004) ...Himself
《意大利任务/偷天换日/意大利行动/意大利工作 The Italian Job 》 (2003) ...Handsome Rob
《 Call of Duty 》 (2003) ...Sgt. Waters
《非常人贩/换命快递 The Transporter 》 (2002) ...Frank Martin
《电影终结之战 Ultimate Fights from the Movies 》 (2002) ...Turkish (Snatch) (archive footage)
《 Jet Li Is 'The One' 》 (2002) ...MVA Agent Evan Funsch
《 Red Faction II 》 (2002) ...Shrike (voice)
《劣等阵容 Mean Machine 》 (2001) ...Monk
《救世主/宇宙追缉令 The One 》 (2001) ...MVA Agent Evan Funsch
《火星幽灵 Ghosts of Mars 》 (2001) ...Jericho Butler
《掠夺/贪得无厌/偷拐抢骗 Snatch. 》 (2000) ...Turkish
《一炮而红 Turn It Up 》 (2000) ...Mr. B
《两杆大烟*/两杆老烟*/两根*管 Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels 》 (1998) ...Bacon