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发布网友 发布时间:2022-07-23 19:26



热心网友 时间:2024-12-03 16:05

Text of Blair's speech

The following is the text of the speech by UK Prime Minister Tony Blair to the US Congress, the first by a British prime minister since Margaret Thatcher in 1985.

Mr Speaker and Mr Vice-President, honourable members of Congress, I'm deeply touched by that warm and generous welcome.

That's more than I deserve and more than I'm used to, quite frankly.

And let me begin by thanking you most sincerely for voting to award me the Congressional Gold Medal.

But you, like me, know who the real heroes are: those brave service men and women, yours and ours, who fought the war and risk their lives still.

And our tribute to them should be measured in this way, by showing them and their families that they did not strive or die in vain, but that through their sacrifice future generations can live in greater peace, prosperity and hope.

Let me also express my gratitude to President Bush.

Through the troubled times since 11 September changed our world, we have been allies and friends.

Thank you, Mr President, for your leadership.

Mr Speaker, Sir, my thrill on receiving this award was only a little diminished on being told that the first Congressional Gold Medal was awarded to George Washington for what Congress called his "wise and spirited conct" in getting rid of the British out of Boston.

On our way down here, Senator Frist was kind enough to show me the fireplace where, in 1814, the British had burnt the Congress Library.

I know this is, kind of, late, but sorry.


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