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发布网友 发布时间:2022-07-21 13:24



热心网友 时间:2023-10-29 23:18

Hong Kong people how the Chinese New Year:
In fact, Hong Kong is also very important for the Chinese New Year, early in the week before the Spring Festival began to raise the Chinese New Year, laid out flowers, paste couplets, prepare a festive dinner.
In Hong Kong a saying that "In Nianba, wash dirty", every household in the first month ago and quickly "clean", the home clean, then hang the new decorations, on behalf of the old and welcome the annual flower is also home decoration essential, those orange and peach symbolizes good luck is still hot, new orchid increasingly welcomed by the public. Well furnished home, they have to get together to eat, guests to the house New Year, the host family brew the tea, it will end the appearance of fine, rich content "full box." The so-called "all-boxes", is a New Year greeting to the box containing snacks, usually circular, meaning Harmony.
Full box is divided into a plurality of cells, it is usually the seeds in the middle of a grid, other grid is free to put some snacks. According to Hong Kong people's habits, will invite guests to taste the seeds, they describe the action of grasping the seeds of "grasping money", meaning new fiscal year by Universal.
Kung Hei Fat Choi! Lee is the (red) used! During the Chinese New Year is the most commonly heard word. The new year, what should the new, red envelope coins is no exception, so the banks before the Spring Festival every year are packed with people who get a new bill. Due to economic prosperity, many Hong Kong people have said in red letters generous than last year.
Hong Kong people attach great importance to dinner, saying it was "Mission Year." During the Spring Festival approaching, Hong Kong Island to the sale of dried seafood famous ring must be full of people, full of people to prepare for the New Year, a year of hard work, we are willing to spend more money, buy sea cucumbers, scallops, etc. Taking advantage of New Year's Eve to personally do something delicious and family to share. Of course, many people, especially the younger generation, but like to eat outside the hotel in a festive dinner, mainly plan a easy and convenient.
Thousands of men and women before and after dinner at Wong Tai Sin Temple competing on "head stick of incense" and pray for prosperity in the coming year. World peace, natural disasters will not happen again, the economy continues to thrive, and everyone has a job to do, health, etc., are most people's wishes.
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