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发布网友 发布时间:2022-07-22 13:42



热心网友 时间:2023-11-12 21:22


sorry for not being able to deliver ring the Labour's Day holiday, but take it easy, the goods will be delivered as stipulated. Don't worry!

热心网友 时间:2023-11-12 21:22

I am so sorry. we don't work in this holiday.But You can rely upon it that the consigment will arrived. Do not worry,Thanks a lot!

热心网友 时间:2023-11-12 21:23


sorry for not delivering ring the May Day holiday, but take it easy, the goods will be delivered . Don't worry!

比较简单,劳动节可以说MAY DAY,比较适合吧我觉得。

热心网友 时间:2023-11-12 21:24


I'm sorry that the goods were not delivered to you as it was the Labor's Day holidays. However please be assured that the goods will be delivered to you as soon as possible. Thank you.

不同意上面的因为用楼主应该是和客户发讯息吧,那“take it easy”给别人的感觉是非常不尊重他们的。所以是万万不可以用的。

热心网友 时间:2023-11-12 21:24

I'm so sorry that the shipment has to be delayed for May Day .Please feel assured that we will deliver the goods to you and don't be worried.Thanks for your understanding.

你好!你的问题是——请帮助我。翻译成英语可以表达为下面这样——Please give me a hand.Please lend me a hand.Would you please help me?Could you please give me some help?Could you please give me a hand?


Excuse me, Sir. This is my seat. Would you please move forward a bit? I can't get into my seat.


In order to protect the children's security and maintenance a good kindergarten system, non-kindergarten staff should not go into classes. please contact director for looking something.Thank you for your cooperation! 呵呵,你可以参考一下。


Please give me, I do not deserve love, you do not have to fly to see me, really not worth doing, but also a waste of you a lot of money. You should be willing to give up on me, I'm sorry, I can not accompany you in the end. Translated into English for me, ...


there are a great number of your fans in China.We sincerely wish that you and your band will make much more wonderful songs and records.Above all,we really wish you will be able to live a life at your pleasure and keep your own style forever.翻译得好累啊,都赏些分吧....

请帮我用英语翻译一句话 谢谢~在线等

if have a chance, hope you can come here to have a holiday and enjoy the beautifu scenery and warm winter here.


Thank you. I hope we can have good cooperation! Wish you every success in business!


我很爱我妈妈 I love my mum very much.我妈妈做的早餐很好吃.对我们身体有益.The food mom cooks for breakfast is very delicious and healthy for us.我妈妈工作很辛苦,所以我要快快长大报答她的养育之恩 Mom works hard and I hope that I could grow up soon that I could requite her ...


Hello, friends! If you sell 10-20 glasses, then you may order one by one, the glasses and a seven yuan! To win, you can see how! (If you need to buy a wallet, it also can be the next single) looking forward to your letter! Thanks!可以参考一下 不一定全对。`...


OK, I can give 3-4 wallets to you free, as the discount. Is it this meaning? If yes, send the picture over, thanks!

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cad默认线宽怎么设置? 我的微信被封了15天,使用现在的手机号和微信号微信密码可以登回去并且... 中国近几年发生的地震情况 中国近几年的大地震 近几年来我国地震的发生情况 中国近几年来发生哪些比较严重的地震? 为什么最近几年地震这么多? 百度封号不是永久性的,为什么还不能解封啊? 为什么百度知道的账号被封禁了,申诉了10多天还没解封 我的百度知道账号被封很久了,为什么还没有解封? 谁能给我用英语翻译一句话哦 帮我把一句话翻译成英文..- - 谁帮我用英文翻译一句话 请帮我翻译一句话,英文 请大家帮忙给我翻译一句话,翻译成它的英文意思。谢谢了! 帮我把一句话翻译成英文 给我翻译一句话! 现在的鞋 衣服的真皮 是怎么制作的 是活生生剥动物的皮制成的吗?! 猪皮、牛皮、羊皮是什么变成我们生活中的皮革的? 为啥现在的牛皮包都改叫牛皮革的了 为什么查不到我要找的大成基金选呢? 我每月定投200,选大成蓝筹好还是大成价值 《三体》中,三体人为什么要害怕自己的母星的坐标暴露?它们就是来拿地球的,不需要母星了。它们本就没什 詹妮弗·利奇的作品 迪亚兹 不要清理血迹怎么样 迪亚兹 不要清理血迹 DIAZ DONT CLEAN UP THIS BLOOD怎么样 DilAwaiz剧名 什么是小业主大监理 物管、房地产行业常说的“小业主”是贬义称呼吗? 什么是大业主?小业主? 长航凤凰为什么大跌?长航凤凰价值评估报告?长航凤凰主要业务是什么? 莲花l5和雪佛兰科鲁兹哪个好 莲花L5 GTS 跑车和保时捷718汽车哪个好 求白酒宣传标语 炖鱼块的家常做法 炖鱼块的烹饪方法 白酒业务员激励标语 有什么特别能够激奋人心的白酒行业销售标语? 酒名:甄久坊。做酱香型白酒。想找一句话作为产品的口号,理念、文化载体,朗朗上口,通俗易懂 白酒酿造生产车间标语大全 白酒横幅标语要怎么写才能够吸引人 1、你对新时代新征程的中国共产党有什么期望? 把好友删除 没有 只有转账记录 怎么加回来 三洋洗衣机sanyo儿童锁锁了,断电也解不开,怎么 苹果手机怎么用4399登陆游戏? 苹果手机怎么用4399游戏盒下载游戏? 有没有靠谱的早教机构呀,求推荐 求这个日语精读卷子的答案 急求啊 急急急 求外语教学与研究出版社的日语精读第二册的 课后习题答案 如准确 可加分~~ 请问吉林大学日语笔译参考书《日语精读》宿久高,有没有译文或是参*啊?在哪能买到?很急很急! 日语精读第三册参考答案 《日语精读》对于毫无基础的人来说,这本书好吗?