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发布网友 发布时间:2022-07-22 11:41



热心网友 时间:2023-11-10 21:41

#ifdef __BORLANDC__
// suppress the warning message that functions containing for are not
// expanded inline
#pragma warn -8027
#endif // __BORLANDC__

class iterator;
class const_iterator;
// declare the iterator classes so the names are available

friend class iterator;
friend class const_iterator;
// allow the iterator classes to access the private section
// of BinSearchTree

class iterator
friend class BinSearchTree<T>;
friend class const_iterator;


// constructor
iterator ()

// comparison operators. just compare node pointers
bool operator== (const iterator& rhs) const
return nodePtr == rhs.nodePtr;

bool operator!= (const iterator& rhs) const
return nodePtr != rhs.nodePtr;

// dereference operator. return a reference to
// the value pointed to by nodePtr
T& operator* () const
if (nodePtr == NULL)
referenceError("BinSearchTree iterator operator* (): NULL reference");

return nodePtr->data;

// preincrement. move forward to next larger value
iterator& operator++ ()
BSTNode<T> *p;

if (nodePtr == NULL)
// ++ from end(). get the root of the tree
nodePtr = tree->root;

// error! ++ requested for an empty tree
if (nodePtr == NULL)
underflowError("BinSearchTree iterator operator++ (): tree empty");

// move to the smallest value in the tree,
// which is the first node inorder
while (nodePtr->left != NULL)
nodePtr = nodePtr->left;
if (nodePtr->right != NULL)
// successor is the furthest left node of
// right subtree
nodePtr = nodePtr->right;

while (nodePtr->left != NULL)
nodePtr = nodePtr->left;
// have already processed the left subtree, and
// there is no right subtree. move up the tree,
// looking for a parent for which nodePtr is a left child,
// stopping if the parent becomes NULL. a non-NULL parent
// is the successor. if parent is NULL, the original node
// was the last node inorder, and its successor
// is the end of the list
p = nodePtr->parent;

while (p != NULL && nodePtr == p->right)
nodePtr = p;
p = p->parent;

// if we were previously at the right-most node in
// the tree, nodePtr = NULL, and the iterator specifies
// the end of the list
nodePtr = p;

return *this;

// postincrement
iterator operator++ (int)
// save current iterator
iterator tmp = *this;

// move myself forward to the next tree node

// return the previous value
return tmp;

// predecrement. move backward to largest value < current value
iterator& operator-- ()
BSTNode<T> *p;

if (nodePtr == NULL)
// -- from end(). get the root of the tree
nodePtr = tree->root;

// error! -- requested for an empty tree
if (nodePtr == NULL)
underflowError("BinSearchTree iterator operator--: tree empty");

// move to the largest value in the tree,
// which is the last node inorder
while (nodePtr->right != NULL)
nodePtr = nodePtr->right;
} else if (nodePtr->left != NULL)
// must have gotten here by processing all the nodes
// on the left branch. predecessor is the farthest
// right node of the left subtree
nodePtr = nodePtr->left;

while (nodePtr->right != NULL)
nodePtr = nodePtr->right;
// must have gotten here by going right and then
// far left. move up the tree, looking for a parent
// for which nodePtr is a right child, stopping if the
// parent becomes NULL. a non-NULL parent is the
// predecessor. if parent is NULL, the original node
// was the first node inorder, and its predecessor
// is the end of the list
p = nodePtr->parent;
while (p != NULL && nodePtr == p->left)
nodePtr = p;
p = p->parent;

// if we were previously at the left-most node in
// the tree, nodePtr = NULL, and the iterator specifies
// the end of the list
nodePtr = p;

return *this;

// postdecrement
iterator operator-- (int)
// save current iterator
iterator tmp = *this;

// move myself backward to the previous tree node

// return the previous value
return tmp;


// nodePtr is the current location in the tree. we can move
// freely about the tree using left, right, and parent.
// tree is the address of the BinSearchTree object associated
// with this iterator. it is used only to access the
// root pointer, which is needed for ++ and --
// when the iterator value is end()
BSTNode<T> *nodePtr;
BinSearchTree<T> *tree;

// used to construct an iterator return value from
// an BSTNode pointer
iterator (BSTNode<T> *p, BinSearchTree<T> *t) : nodePtr(p), tree(t)


class const_iterator
friend class BinSearchTree<T>;


// constructor
const_iterator ()

// used to convert a const iterator to a const_iterator
const_iterator (const iterator& pos): nodePtr(pos.nodePtr)

// comparison operators. just compare node pointers
bool operator== (const const_iterator& rhs) const
return nodePtr == rhs.nodePtr;

bool operator!= (const const_iterator& rhs) const
return nodePtr != rhs.nodePtr;

// dereference operator. return a reference to
// the value pointed to by nodePtr
const T& operator* () const
if (nodePtr == NULL)
referenceError("BinSearchTree const_iterator operator* (): NULL reference");

return nodePtr->data;

// preincrement. move forward to next larger value
const_iterator& operator++ ()
BSTNode<T> *p;

if (nodePtr == NULL)
// ++ from end(). get the root of the tree
nodePtr = tree->root;

// error! ++ requested for an empty tree
if (nodePtr == NULL)
throw underflowError("BinSearchTree const_iterator operator++ (): tree empty");

// move to the smallest value in the tree,
// which is the first node inorder
while (nodePtr->left != NULL)
nodePtr = nodePtr->left;
if (nodePtr->right != NULL)
// successor is the furthest left node of
// right subtree
nodePtr = nodePtr->right;

while (nodePtr->left != NULL)
nodePtr = nodePtr->left;
// have already processed the left subtree, and
// there is no right subtree. move up the tree,
// looking for a parent for which nodePtr is a left child,
// stopping if the parent becomes NULL. a non-NULL parent
// is the successor. if parent is NULL, the original node
// was the last node inorder, and its successor
// is the end of the list
p = nodePtr->parent;

while (p != NULL && nodePtr == p->right)
nodePtr = p;
p = p->parent;

// if we were previously at the right-most node in
// the tree, nodePtr = NULL, and the iterator specifies
// the end of the list
nodePtr = p;

return *this;

// postincrement
const_iterator operator++ (int)
// save current const_iterator
const_iterator tmp = *this;

// move myself forward to the next tree node

// return the previous value
return tmp;

// predecrement. move backward to largest value < current value
const_iterator& operator-- ()
BSTNode<T> *p;

if (nodePtr == NULL)
// -- from end(). get the root of the tree
nodePtr = tree->root;

// error! -- requested for an empty tree
if (nodePtr == NULL)
underflowError("BinSearchTree iterator operator--: tree empty");

// move to the largest value in the tree,
// which is the last node inorder
while (nodePtr->right != NULL)
nodePtr = nodePtr->right;
} else if (nodePtr->left != NULL)
// must have gotten here by processing all the nodes
// on the left branch. predecessor is the farthest
// right node of the left subtree
nodePtr = nodePtr->left;

while (nodePtr->right != NULL)
nodePtr = nodePtr->right;
// must have gotten here by going right and then
// far left. move up the tree, looking for a parent
// for which nodePtr is a right child, stopping if the
// parent becomes NULL. a non-NULL parent is the
// predecessor. if parent is NULL, the original node
// was the first node inorder, and its predecessor
// is the end of the list
p = nodePtr->parent;
while (p != NULL && nodePtr == p->left)
nodePtr = p;
p = p->parent;

// if we were previously at the left-most node in
// the tree, nodePtr = NULL, and the iterator specifies
// the end of the list
nodePtr = p;

return *this;

// postdecrement
const_iterator operator-- (int)
// save current const_iterator
const_iterator tmp = *this;

// move myself backward to the previous tree node

// return the previous value
return tmp;


// nodePtr is the current location in the tree. we can move
// freely about the tree using left, right, and parent.
// tree is the address of the BinSearchTree object associated
// with this iterator. it is used only to access the
// root pointer, which is needed for ++ and --
// when the iterator value is end()
const BSTNode<T> *nodePtr;
const BinSearchTree<T> *tree;

// used to construct a const_iterator return value from
// an BSTNode pointer
const_iterator (const BSTNode<T> *p, const BinSearchTree<T> *t) : nodePtr(p), tree(t)


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