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用book ,table造句

发布网友 发布时间:2022-07-22 03:30



热心网友 时间:2023-11-04 12:50

I am reading book on the tableThere are many books on the table 不知道是单个造句,和是一起造句!!!

热心网友 时间:2023-11-04 12:51

my books put on the table. 我的书放在桌子上。

热心网友 时间:2023-11-04 12:51

The book It's on the table.

热心网友 时间:2023-11-04 12:52

There are many books on the table

热心网友 时间:2023-11-04 12:53

please take the book on the table
用book ,table造句

I am reading book on the tableThere are many books on the table 不知道是单个造句,和是一起造句!!!


1、There were fresh flowers in vases on the tables。桌上的花瓶插着鲜花。2、Take the book which is lying on the table。把桌子上的那本书拿走。3、A few drops of wine had spilled upon the table。有几滴酒溅在桌子上。4、He got so angry that he tipped the table up。他气得把...


Please put the plates on the table .请把盘子放在桌上上

用There iS/are造句。

There is a book on the table.There are books on the table.There be 表示某处有某物。希望采纳0v0

...front of,behind,middle,east,west,south,north用英语造句...

My pen is on the table.我的笔在桌子上。The cat is in the house.猫在屋子里。A book is under the sofa.书在沙发下面。Where is inside the door?什么东西在门缝里?My mother sits beside my father.我的妈妈坐在爸爸旁边。The book store is near the school.书店在学校的旁边。There ...


可以用There be句型,就是说某处有某物There is a book on the table.桌子上有本书

用there be造句加汉语5个

在第一个句子中,“There is a book on the table”明确指出了桌子上有一本书。这里的“is”是单数形式,因为“a book”是单数名词。第二个句子“There are two cats playing in the garden”中使用了“are”,因为“two cats”...

英语 用方位词造句

1、on:My books are on that table.我的书在那张桌子上。2、in:What is in the box?盒子里有什么?3、under:My book is under the chair.我的书在椅子下面。4、inside:I am inside the house now.我正在房子里。5、beside:You sat beside me.你在我身旁坐下。6、near:The ball is ...


书——book:There's a book.钱——much:How much are they?英语——English:This is an English book.房子——house:I live in a new house.厕所——toilet:Is there a toilet?花园——garden:I have a garden.桌子——table:The table is yellow.黄色——yellow:Is it yellow?乒乓——...


1.She has written several books on the subject. (书)2.His name is no longer on our books.(名册,帐册)3.Mary has booked a flight from New York to London. (动词:预定)4.The cop booked John on a charge of speeding. [动词:(警方)将...登记入册以作指控之用]...

book the table 用table造句 用table造句子 fairytablebook tablebook 用practice造句 用popular造句 bootable debatable
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