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高手 翻译个句子 在线翻译走开

发布网友 发布时间:2022-08-05 05:29



热心网友 时间:2024-11-18 10:45

含糖分和胰岛素高的(或致血糖和胰岛素升高的)食物促进脂肪积累,甚至可能导致抗(耐)胰岛素性和肥胖症的发生,而低胰岛素(或非致胰岛素升高的,致低胰岛素的,不完全确定是哪个)饮食可以促进脂肪的氧化分解和利用脂肪酸作为能量的来源。(括号:不完全确定,1 外,2 或,3 中)
Samantha M. Coe

The effect of diet and time of adaptation on glycemic and insulinemic responses in horses

Glucose and insulin metabolism in horses may be impaired in conditions such as growth, exercise, obesity, gestation, pituitary dysfunction, laminitis and aging. The objective was to determine how the horses’ glycemica and insulinemic responses change according to the feed type and the time of adaptation. Seven mature horses under no physical conditioning were fed either a concentrate high in starch and sugar or high in fat and fiber. A cross-over design was used with an initial washout period when horses were fed only hay. A washout period was also used when switching the two diets. The horses consumed each diet for four weeks and at week 0, 2, and 4 a glycemic and insulinemic response test was performed. For the test, a baseline sample was taken after which the horses were allowed to eat a test meal. Samples were then taken continuously via a jugular catheter at post feeding, 30, 60, 120, 180, 240, and 300 minutes.
Plasma was analyzed for glucose concentrations and serum was analyzed for insulin concentrations. There was no effect of diet or time on the horses’ body weights. In addition, there was no effect of time of adaptation on glucose or insulin concentrations following consumption of the test meal. In general however, glucose and insulin concentrations tended to be higher when horses consumed the diet high in starch and sugar compared to the diet high in fat and fiber. It is likely that there were not a large enough difference in the dietary energy source to evoke a time of adaptation response in this group of horses. Furthermore, it is possible that had this study been continued longer, changes e to dietary adaptation would have been observed.

参考资料:Google 2006 Senior Research Symposium Abstracts

热心网友 时间:2024-11-18 10:46


哎~!!! - -||


热心网友 时间:2024-11-18 10:46


热心网友 时间:2024-11-18 10:47

能致血糖和胰岛素升高的(含糖分和胰岛素高的)...(括号:...1 外) 1
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