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发布网友 发布时间:2022-08-02 22:02



热心网友 时间:2024-11-30 19:50

自由勇敢是快乐是出自歌曲《free & unafraid 自由与勇敢》。

《free & unafraid 自由与勇敢》是“电子唱作人”尚雯婕为大电影《熊出没·奇幻空间》量身定制的电影主题曲英文版,由尚雯婕填词谱曲,英国著名制作团队Red Triangle编曲,以古典钢琴为基调,电子音色与交响乐队融合,用配乐编织出壮丽唯美的大自然,营造出温暖而恢宏的意境。



Close my eyes

Spread my wings

Feel my heart beat

In the lights

Never so alive

Ready to fly

Come with me

Dance with me

Glide with me

Glide through the night

Let go of fear

Let me be unafraid

Let me stand up straight

With the wind with the storm I go

Fly up high to the open sky

I will find my way

To release and truly breathe

Push away the boundaries

Down the road down the streams I flow

To be free and unafraid

Be free and unafraid

Close my eyes

Spread my wings

Feel my heart beat

In the lights

Giving everything

I've got this time

Come with me

Dance with me

Glide with me

Glide through the night

The battle is mine

Let me be unafraid

Let me stand up straight

With the wind with the storm I go

Fly up high to the open sky

I will find my way

To release and truly breathe

Push away the boundaries

Down the road down the streams I flow

To be free and unafraid

Let no more worries

Take away your courage

You're ready to soar

Let me be unafraid

Let me stand up straight

Let me stand up straight

With the wind with the storm I go

Fly up high to the open sky

To release and truly breathe

Push away the boundaries

Down the road down the streams I flow

To be free and unafraid

Fly up high to the open sky

To be free and unafraid

To be free

To be free

To be free and unafraid

Be free and unafraid

Be free and unafraid

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